My Lovely Grandma

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Ok guys
Prepare for a lot of emotions because that's what's coming at you

My grandma.

I mean obviously I love her, she's my family but sometimes and by sometimes I mean REALLY OFTEN she
She always tells me the same things everytime she visits.
"Honey, why don't you cut your hair?"
"I mean doesn't it tire you out?"
"All this hair?"
"No grand-
"And what about your face? Do you wash it everyday?"
"Having so many pimples isn't natural."
"Yes it i-
"Why don't you try one of those home remedies that I showed you?"
"Cause I don-
"Why can't you listen to me? I'm doing this for your own god!"
"And btw you look really skinny, why aren't you eating?"
"I told you to eat more fruits, why aren't you doing that?"
"And that black thing on your neck isn't it choking you?"
"No grandma it's a chok-
"You know what one day you're gonna grow up and remember all these things I tell you and you're gonna be like : I wish I had listened to my grandma"

And there's also the other argument!
You do something that grandma doesn't like
All your friends and your husband/wife will leave you
For example
Last year we were on holiday at a house that my dad and his sister (my aunt) own and we go there every year.
We were there for about 2 days
And I hadn't unpacked my suitcase
Excuse me for being a lazy ass
I can't help it I was born by nature 🌷
But for my defense I didn't have to
My clothes were for the one time in my life neatly packed there
Cause usually it looks like a windstorm came across my luggage
So I didn't do anything
Until my grandma saw it
"Um Penny sweetie why haven't you unpacked your suitcase yet?"
"Umm because I don't have to?"
"What do you mean you don't have to? Go unpack your suitcase!"
"You know one day you're gonna get married and your husband will see your suitcase and he's gonna be like "OMG what kind of woman did I marry?"

You want my honest reaction?

I started at her and started laughing my ass of 😂😂😂
Honestly she has done that more times than I can count
I just thought this was the stupidest reason for someone to dump you 😂😂

And don't get me wrong
I love my grandma
With all my heart
And I know she does all of that because she cares about me.
But she can care a little bit TOO much

Sometimes I'm thinking that she wants to change me
Because of all that shit she says
But who am I to say that?

Unfortunately I can't read people's minds 😂

Sorry for bringing it back but...
She needs to change the things she's saying.
I always hear about school, my acne, school, my hair's length, that my diet sucks and I need to eat everything, school, did I mention school, that I need to know how to become a proper housewife because apparently I don't have much time left, how I don't go out and I can't develop a social life like that, ohh and school!

Seriously we can talk for something completely random and she'll mention school out of the blue

"Now I know that for humans to live, they need to breath oxygen but you should study, because studying is good and stuff."
"You don't need oxygen, you're my granddaughter"

My life everyone
Living the dream.

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