tag thingy don't touch me

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hello my children, it is i
i was tagged by @hippiemgc to do this question tag thing idk *double chin*
i tag :
so now let's skip my awkward intro and skip to the answering part, shall we

1. do you like broadway? if so, opinions on hamilton?

idk the first thing about broadway im so sorry but um cats amiright

2. marvel or dc

wherever deadpool and the flash belong ps. if you say you don't like the flash don't talk to me

3. marina, lana, halsey or melanie?

besides lana bc i haven't really given her the time of day, i love all of them god bless their souls

4. self titled or sounds good feels good? why?

imma have to say sgfg bc they brought in some new sounds, i can never get tired of permanent vacation or outer space, it sounds more mature to me on some levels and well self titled is a tad overplayed and then you have these annoying fans that came during that time yall know what im talking about

5. cashton or muke?

i sTRONGLY dislike muke im sorry i think it's a tad problematic but cashton is really not bad i can totally see it

6. fave band out of the emo trinity?

it's mcr and it will always be my favorite band in general i don't even have a sort of joke for this i love mcr

7. supernatural or stranger things?

i've seen neither but apparently stranger things is kind of a mindfuck (that's what one of my friends told me at least) and supernatural has a reaction gif for everything so im gonna go with supernatural just for that bless

8. what was your costume last halloween?

i was party poison, i made the mask, painted a gun, threw on a leather jacket and boom i was fucking party poison #impartypoisonandimgonnastealurbitch #imeanurdogsIKE

9. what's your aesthetic?

lots of things but mainly skylines, anything pink and draco malfoy

10. who's your role model/idol?

well it used to be my mom but turns out she's homophobic and v religious to the fact where she mentions it all the time (not that being religious is a bad thing ofc) so now im looking for a new role model you can fill out a form and leave it on the comments below o be my role model hey

well, phew that was it ! now for my questions *cracks a devilish grin*
*rubs hands together*

1. favorite artist? (not referring to musicians only in general)

2. favorite hair color on mikey?

3. favorite 5sos song lyrics and why?

4. favorite disney movie?

5. how do you see yourself in 5 years?

6. favorite fictional character (dunno if it's obvious but mine's draco malfoy okay hdgkd)

7. if you were left on an isolated island what would be the five things you'd want with you?

8. dankest meme you've ever seen

9. had your first kiss yet? how was it if yes

10. do you watch game of thrones?

till next time folks
-penny 🍑💫

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