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i was tagged again slurp slurp by @vividmgc and im here to answer some questions god damn it
here are the rules and unfortunately i couldn't break any

i was tagged again slurp slurp by @vividmgc and im here to answer some questions god damn ithere are the rules and unfortunately i couldn't break any

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im mature yes letsskiptotheansweringshallwe

1. favorite television show of all time?

i mean im all about grimm, it's my bby but then the flash came into my life and im only jUsT starting on game of thrones so we have those
although i never get tired of watching friends, that show will never die

2. favorite song lyrics?

ahh there's a lot man. and most of them are atl ngl
but for a top three
1. "missing you" the entire song i swear the lyrics are very inspiring to me
2. maybe it's not my weekend but it's gonna be my year
3. im just a man, im not a hero, just a boy who had to sing this song

3. tell me a weird fact about something people don't know

um i just met you ??¿?26¿?
jkjk but um it's a boring fact really, i just enjoy (on some level) the smell of gasoline which most likely has something to do with my pyromanic tendencies aHA

4. have you made any internet friends over wattpad? if so tag them !

well wattpad is the reason i have internet friends at all honesty but my faves on wattpad are spaceboyluke ,dimplefeels and blueeyedhunny send some love to my babies guys

5. if you could see only one artist/band for every show they play around you, and only that artist, who would it be?

umm i was gonna go with mcr but they're kinda dead soooo ummmm
tøp? probably tøp
or all time low now that i think about it
ehhhh fuck it all time low

6. would you rather be a werewolf or a vampire

i'd love to keep remus some company but i'll always be a lil vampire

7. favorite band/artist?

mcrmcrmcrmcrmcr b l e s s

8. favorite author on wattpad and irl?

on wattpad it's probably umlashton her writing gives me life god bless her soul and irl well i don't read physical books that often bUt im gonna say j.k. rowling either way bc harry fucking potter alright #drarryamirightoramiright

9. if you could only feel one emotion for the rest of your life, what would it be?

happiness ofc that's what im currently working at

10. would you rather be invisible for a day and not be able to do anything or be visible and have to commit crime that would get you arrested

contrary to popular belief, im pretty much invisible in my school so i already know what that feels like and it's not thAt bad honestly so yeah invisible

11. favorite subject at school

physics hands down

12. you can only listen to one song for a whole month ; which one is it?

already done that it was girls talk boys man i love it

13. one guilty pleasure?

starting a 20 chapter something fanfiction at 2am and reading for a solid 3 hours

and that was it bleh
i tag :
dimplefeels nightmare-malum caketivity 1-800-LASHTON

and now for the questions ;

1. favorite movie and why

2. on a scale from one to 10 how daddy is ashton

3. what's your favorite ship (in general) and who in your opinion tops and bottoms in it

4. would you rather have toes for fingers or fingers for toes

5. are you a potterhead im trying to create a fanclub here

6. if you were an animal, what would you be

7. do you have any siblings?

8. do you have any bad habits?

9. biggest pet peeves?

10. is it easier to forgive or forget?

11. 2016 is gonna end in a few months, are you gonna miss this year at all?

12. who/what was your last dream about?

13. do you believe in true love?

and those were my sappy questions have fun answering children

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