jake paul in the title

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i took clickbait to wattpad how do you feel about that


jk i ain't getting paid

probably bc my whole account would be demonitised if this were youtube

jake paul is a rat


i don't really have a plan for this chapter or whatever, it's just a big ramble

and i really wanted to name it 'jake paul in the title'

i crack myself up and then think im funny, it's quite pathetic

so school's been up my ass and it's definitely non consensual so i should report them for rape but idk were to do that

so i let them fuck me in the ass for now

man it's my last year and im already so fucking done with high school, i just want it to be over already

our new headmaster is a fucking nightmare

like he used to be a heamaster at a middle school and he thinks he can teach seniors advanced math like no buddy you ain't shit

hell i would get like 30 panic attacks before uttering a sentence to the class and even i could teach them better

you can't just say the word 'limit' and expect us to know everything about limits like iTS YOUR GOD DAMN MOTHERFUCKING JOB TO TEACH US AND YOU JUS- *gets taken away by cops screaming*

-----------   *12 years later* ---------------

*comes back into frame* 

crazy how 12 years in prison can change you, i learnt so many things

1) i can't complain abot my headmaster teaching us because he's my headmaster

2) orange looks ghastly on me

3) never drop the soap even in the woman's bathroom, look at me in the eyes while i tell you this

so yeah

oh you know what else is really annoying

me jk

this constant existensial crisis that im living in

like i know what school i wanna go to after i graduate - it asically has to do with maintance of art pieces and im so fucking excited, i wanna go there right fucking now, it has chemistry, it has art, it's the perfect school for me - but my dad wants me to take on his business and basically become an architect

now as an *throws scarf over shoulder* art enthusiast it shouldn't be so appaling to me to become an architect, architecture is one of the five main fine arts

but it is.

it very much is.

im not really a tough kid like im pretty flexible when it comes to decisions but if you tell me to do one thing all the time, im certainly not gonna do it or im gonna do it while crying or something petty like that

i thought i was gonna grow out of this bratty habit as i grew older but no im still a stubborn little shit that wants to get her way

- oh yeah thanks for checkin in im stILL A PIECE OF GARBAGE -

yes, musical break over

so there's also that

im not too fond of it

also im not too fond of the amount of homework i have to do these days, it's absolutely disgusting

i only i could go to princess school or special snowflake school

*le sigh*

at least i got the walking dead now, hell yeah

one thing that'll keep me from throwing myself off a cliff

alright i think that was enough bullshit rambling for one day

see ya petals papa bless

- penny ♡

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