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I sit inside the bath
The water around me is so clear
It begins to consume my thoughts
I pick up the water in my hands and it slowly falls out

The more you pick up, the more falls out
All returning to the large abyss below
As I collect the water it's just like when I collect my problems and say they aren't enough

So I begin to wait until I've collected more
"I'll deal with them later", I mumble to myself
But just like the water it slowly falls out and becomes a greater problem

It grows the abyss more and more
The water consumes my thoughts
My body afloat at the waters mercy
I lift my hand up from the water and it's so much heavier

A reminder that when I'm submerged within my sadness I feel nothing but once I step out I feel the heaviness of it's absence
The water remains clear, it's poison dormant waiting for the right moment for you to give in and let it take over.

Until nothing's left of you and all that remains is an empty vessel afloat a vast abyss with no escape anywhere.

The gateway to my mind [Poetry]Where stories live. Discover now