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Remember when we said the next time we saw eachother we could hug
Remember when you told me I was enough
I'm still waiting to see you again
I'm still waiting for that promised hug

I'm waiting to be enough
I'll wait a whole lifetime and yet that hug shall never come
I'll never see your face again or hear your voice on our calls

I'll never stay up till 2AM talking to you again
Nor will I ever be enough for you
It's hopeless waiting isn't it?

I tried to hide this side of me
The one that longs for you
But I'm tired of pretending that you never ment anything
So yes I'm waiting for that hug you promised
And yes I'm waiting to be enough even if you've already moved on.


Wrote this awhile ago and decided it was finally time to publish it,
Tell me what you guys think!!

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