The Most Powerful Thing About You, Is You.

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*y/n's pov*

me and freddy go to the doors of the temple and try to open them when suddenly, the ground opens up underneath us and the wizard. we all then plummet into black nothingness. "SHITTTTT." I scream.  we all land one by one on hard, grassy ground. I turn to see freddy trying to stand without his crutch and he latches onto a piece of rock. "are you okay?" I ask while spitting out some dirt. "no, just worthless." he replies. I kneel down next to him, "Freddy Freeman, you are not worthless. I know that. I know that you have a place in this crazy-ass world and you have to treasure it.  because you have so much to live for and so much left to do. so please, do not think you are not enough, because you are enough to me." freddy sniffles. "you have to get up."  I say, "for what?" he replies. "all this pretending to be a superhero is just a way for me to pretend I'm not broken." I sigh in disbelief. "Fredrick Christopher Freeman, you are not broken, you are a mess of beautiful parts and pieces. and that isn't broken. it's just put together a different way."  he chuckles. "thanks y/n. I really needed that."  I grin. then, my smile turns into a frown as I see a shadow move in the darkness. I grab freddy's arm and pull him up. "I see something moving." the wizard says. "yeah, we see it too." I sarcastically reply. the figure gets closer and closer and it's footsteps get louder and louder. "oh shit." freddy says. "what is that?" the wizard replies, "Ladon. The Guardian of The Garden of Atlas." Ladon rears up in full form, spreading his wings and roars, blue light emitting from his throat. "run." I say. "I can't. I can't!" Freddy whimpers. the dragon stomps toward us. I then shut my eyes and focus on my powers. the pit around us then morphs into a maze with arches and pieces clicking into each-other. freddy holds onto me tightly as the transformation finishes and my hands stop glowing f/c.  the two turn to look at me and freddy screams.  "you're okay! you're okay." I repeat trying to calm him down. "I don't feel okay at all." he replies. "that's the power of the dragon. It emanates fear from every pore of its body." I explain. "Ladon's fear paralyzes any mortal, so that none can approach the guardian it protects." freddy's gaze turns to my hands. "power of light. very cool, very, very rare." he rambles. "dude.'' I say, "Captain Marvel has light powers, Starlight has light powers, it's not that rare." he smiles. "it's still cool though."  I turn to the entrance of the maze, then back to freddy. "the door back to your world is at the center of the labyrinth. Right, left, left and then follow the right-hand wall to the center." I then materialize his crutch. "you'll need this." I say. freddy gasps and grabs it. "how did you find this?" he asks while reattaching it. "you once protected me from the bullies in your world, Freddy Freeman. now I've protected you in mine."  he reaches out his pointer finger and taps it onto my chest. "hero." he says playfully. we both chuckle. "well, to be fair, I didn't actually need your protection.  I was just about to rearrange those boys' organs when you stepped in. But you didn't know that, which does make you brave." I say. "I was just brave because I knew I had powers." he replies. "no, the most powerful thing about you, is you." I smile. the wizard clears his throat, snapping us out of the moment. "how lovely for both of you. fellow hero, we thank you much, but we must get.." I nod. "we should go. the daughters don't need us anymore. all they require now is the seed." freddy asks, "the seed?" the wizard replies, "yes, which remains hidden in a place unreachable by any of their kind. Come, come, Jeff, y/n, Faster."  freddy gasps, "you called me jeff? he just said my entire name!" I groan in annoyance. "by the gates of Themyscira, HURRY UP." I shout to the two as we walk through the gate to the labyrinth.

*two hours later, spongebob style.*

"yep. we are so lost. Thanks, bozo." freddy says sarcastically as we keep walking. "we are not lost. who's the wizard here?" he asks. "I don't know. You don't have any spells, no magical artifacts, you know nothing about magic, you're just..." freddy trails off as we come to a  large wooden door. he then says, "you're the wizard." the wizard replies, "thank you." freddy scoffs. "whatever." the wizard's gaze turns to me, "now let's see if that boyfriend of yours can be trusted." he goes to knock on the door and it opens to our surprise with Hespera walking through it. "get back, get back. get back." he whispers.  she's holding a black-coated apple and she whispers words in ancient greek and slowly but surely, the apple turns from black to gold and black flecks tear off of it. she throws and catches it giddily and walks away from the door. freddy stumbles toward the door, "okay, I think the coast is clear. Let's go home." the wizard grabs his shoulder, "wait." he says, "did you not see what she was holding?" freddy replies, "it was an apple.  she wanted a snack. what's the big deal?"  I grab his shoulder and say to him, "the golden apple. from the tree of life." he repeats, "from the tree of life. oh wait, hold up, didn't you say that was somewhere safe?" the three of us then realize, "Billy." we all say. "billy, gosh." freddy snarks. the wizard turns and rushes off. "hey, where are you going now?" freddy asks and pulls me by the shoulder to follow him.  "freddy." I say. he turns around, "yeah?" he asks. "if anything happens to you, I can promise that I will save you." he nods. "y/n, you don't have to save me, you've done enough already." I smile and lean toward him. "but I want to." and I kiss his cheek softly. freddy puts his hand to where my lips just were and gasps quietly. I grab his hand and say, "come on Captain Everypower, let's go get an apple." and we run off to the temple yet again, ready for whatever happens.

Shazam!: Fury Of The Gods x  Male Supehero! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now