your name is.............

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*y/n's pov*

it's been a few weeks since everything happened, freddy and I are now officially dating. victor shouts from downstairs, "dinner!" but we don't hear him, because we're making out to my favorite song in freddy's room, on his bed.

*play the song*

freddy pulls away and says breathlessly, "y/n, we gotta go to dinner." I shake my head and say, "screw dinner, I'm eating already." freddy rolls off the bed and stands up, grabbing his crutch. "too much dude, keep your 7,000 year old brain to yourself." he says. I snort. "just remember, I may not know much about this planet, but I'm still learning." he mutters, "sure, sure." and we head downstairs. I grab a plate for me and one for freddy. "DINNER!" victor yells louder, "coming." I reply. I pat the cross stitch which says, no shazamming indoors. and victor says, "thank you for respecting the cross-stitch." freddy goes to sit down and I sit next to him. rosa asks me, "so y/n, have you decided what you're gonna do about that god realm of yours?" I reply, "Well, actually I'm gonna take some time off while it heals, spend some time with the common folk, learn some more about your world, about how, maybe we can learn from each other." and I turn to freddy, holding his hand under the table. mary says, "number one sign of wisdom: admitting there's always more to learn." billy replies, "I'm coming around to it." then, the doorbell rings. billy says, "I got it." and goes to the door. he then says surprised, "uh, guys?" he repeats, "Guys!" and he brings forward a man dressed in a blue jacket with a white fedora. "it's the wizard." he says. freddy shouts, "OH, MY GOD!" and hugs the wizard tightly. everyone starts saying different compliments and I say, "you look great!" he replies, "well, I was in the neighborhood and, um, I just wanted to express my gratitude before I go." the doorbell rings again, and pops. victor says, "sorry. doorbell's broken. actually, everything's broken." freddy chuckles at his statement. the wizard replies, "not everything." and he takes the staff. billy asks, "you were just in the neighborhood?" the wizard shakes his head, "okay, I came for the staff." he continues, "Perhaps I will hold onto it for now. I also wanted to see your faces for one last time before I turn into a pile of ash." billy says, "wait, what?" darla says, "no!" the wizard laughs, "I'm making a joke. I have an uber waiting. And besides...I've been trapped in rocks and prisons for far too long. it's time to see your world. It's been an honor, a privilege, watching you all soar." freddy says, "you know, you're not such a bad wizard." the wizard replies, "thank you, Jeff." freddy sighs, "it never ends." the wizard chuckles and turns to leave when billy asks, "also, what's my superhero name?" the wizard and I look at each other and say in unison to billy, "your name is....SHAZAM!" everyone starts agreeing and billy says, "of course." as the wizard goes to the door freddy says, "I still think we can beat it." he then turns to rosa and victor and asks, "can we go now? I want to hang out with my boyfriend." they look at each other and slowly nod. freddy grins and says, "thanks, love you, bye!" and grabs his crutch and my hand, running out the door with me.

you thought that was the end............

two bonus chapters coming right up.

Shazam!: Fury Of The Gods x  Male Supehero! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now