Biting The Golden Poison.

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*y/n's pov*

Freddy and I along with the Wizard sneak to the doors of the temple and we look inside to see Hespera and Kalypso arguing.  I turn to Freddy and say, "no, I should go, not you." he replies, "look, I know what you're thinking. The kid with the crutch doesn't exactly sing "sneak thief."  but here's the deal. these daughters would definitely notice you because of your loud ass breathing and your squeaky ass shoes." my eyebrows raise up at his comment. "boyy, my sneakers do not squeak, my breathing is fine, you're the one with the superhero obsession." he snorts quietly, "but I'm not wrong though." my sneakers then squeak as I move closer to the door of the temple. "see?" he continues. I breathe slowly while my eyes shut, then I open them and see the wizard saying, "fortune be with you, freddy." he looks at him and gasps, "thank you. what did you just call me?" the wizard replies, "freddy. freddy freeman." he chuckles. "that's it, you nailed it." he looks at me and says, "I'll see you on the other side, Nova." my eyebrows raise again. "Nova, really?" he nods and whispers, "come on, don't trash me, I chose that name because you're like a supernova of a person."  I smile and he smiles back as he sneaks away to the two sisters fighting.

*play this track.*

I start moving my way to the main platform, creeping and weaving through the pillars and the statues on my side as freddy moves on his. we spin and tiptoe through the cracks and blind- spots of the daughters in a intricate prowl. he then rolls with his crutch across the floor near the platform. "sister, I want you to take the apple and plant it in our garden." Hespera says as freddy stands up and grabs the apple from it's post and as he walks away, it falls to the ground with a loud crash and he tries to set it back up. "where did that even come from?" he looks up to see the two and says sarcastically, "hi."  Hespera picks up the staff and points it at him. "deliver him to his proper fate, sister."  I jump out with my hands glowing f/c and shout, "NO!" the sisters look at me, then back at freddy. "kill him!" Kalypso shouts. Hespera hesitates and we all turn to see a violin lit up in flames. "and what is that?" kalypso asks. a voice replies, "great question, no idea." then, Red Cyclone shows up and snatches the staff away from Hespera! "but made you look!" he says. "BILLY!" Freddy shouts and red cyclone laughs and tosses the staff to him but Kalypso catches it instead. "oh!" he replies. "oh." red cyclone says.  the wizard emerges out of hiding and shouts to freddy, "your crutch!" freddy gasps and leans his crutch toward the staff and shouts, "SHAZAM!" and he transforms back into Captain Everypower once again. "yes!" he says. "no!" Kalypso replies and she tries to shoot freddy again but he grabs my hand, scoops me up in his arms and we fly away.

we fly through the door to the labryinth and I notice we're now in a large cave with multiple doors in each entrance. I see the philly fiascos standing near the maze entrance and then Ladon bursts through it, knocking them all to the floor.  freddy floats to the ground and lowers me down. "thanks." I say. "you're welcome." he replies.  red cyclone heads toward freddy and I with the rest of the fiascos. "okay. follow me guys." he says and leads us to a door. he opens it and I see a huge room with burn marks all over the walls. he motions for us to go up a flight of stairs. when we reach the top, there's several doors on each part of the hallway. we sneak toward the door and he opens it quietly. I see two people sleeping on a bed.  "that's Victor and Rosa." freddy says. "they're our foster parents." I nod. "they must be lucky to have a kid as clever as you freddy." he blushes. "thanks y/n." red cyclone and the rest of us creep toward the bed. victor and rosa start opening their eyes and rosa turns to her husband, trying to wake him up sleepily. she turns to us and screams loudly. "hi.." I say and then everyone starts talking over the other. "this is funny, right? I know what this looks like." red cyclone says. "that's not true. I have no idea what this looks like." I say loudly,  "just don't freak out." the two then scream. "he said don't freak out! Look at me, it's billy. Rosa, it's Billy, okay? and that's Eugene, and that's Freddy..." freddy raises his hand, "it's me." red cyclone-BILLY keeps talking. "That's Darla and that's Mary, obvi, and then Pedro, just normal Pedro." he turns to everyone else. "guys, this is no time for secrets, okay? we have to tell 'em the truth."  they all take a deep breath and say, "WE'RE SUPERHEROES." Pedro interrupts. "I'm gay." we all turn to him. "yeah, we know, bud." billy replies. "you knew?" he asks. "yeah." rosa says. "yeah." victor repeats. "oh." he mumbles. the wizard raises his hand, "I'm the wizard." billy turns. "oh yeah, this is the wizard. he's a wizard who's called the wizard." freddy speaks up, "and this is y/n, he's got powers too and he's here to help." victor and rosa nod at me and then look at freddy.  "okay, get dressed on, hurry up." billy says and everyone goes into panic mode. "put on these clothes." darla says. victor looks at us. ''so, you guys are the philly fiascos?" they all nod. "okay, in no way is this an acknowledgement of that stupid nickname, but, yes, that would be us. now, can you pick up the pace?" billy shouts. "we have to go. the dragon is here!" rosa looks at him in surprise. "Dragon?" I turn to the bed and see Ladon's large jaw biting down on the bed, snapping it into pieces. we all scream and everyone starts flying out of the room, billy and mary grabbing victor and rosa while freddy grabs me and we all fly to a large landfill. we land and I hop down from freddy's arms once again. "okay, I know that this is a lot to take in, but I promise to explain it all later." mary says. "explain what?" victor asks. "that our kids and our son's friend are superheroes being hunted by greek gods who used a dragon to destroy the house we just bought?" mary replies in shock, "wait, you bought the house?" he nods. "yeah."  I then feel rumbling underneath my feet, and Ladon climbs his way onto a rv and roars. freddy gasps and motions to me. "RUN! GO!" I shout. everyone then starts running away from the dragon. Kalypso raises the staff at Darla and Eugene and shoots them with it, turning them back into their normal selves. "oh no." eugene says, looking down at his hands and they start running again. "alright, that's it!" Freddy shouts and goes to shoot Kalypso with lighting but she hits him with the staff as well and he tumbles to the ground and spits out dirt, "ah, AGAIN?'' he groans. "FREDDY!" I shout. he tosses the apple to me and I look at it and do the worst,  the stupidest thing anyone could do with a golden apple.................

I bite it.

I eat a small piece of it. 

I raise it into the air and wave the bitten fruit at Kalypso, "Hey, hey! This is what you want, right?" I yell. I throw it up into the air and mary catches it and she flies away. I run to freddy and pick him up and pull him toward the others. "godspeed, mary. godspeed." I whisper hopefully. we walk toward a van that suddenly pulls up, victor in the driver's seat. "get in kiddos." he says. "we're saving the world." I nod and open the door for freddy, helping him get inside. I pull up my shirt to reveal a small wound on my stomach with tree branches snaking from it, appearing slowly.  "shit." I say.

Shazam!: Fury Of The Gods x  Male Supehero! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now