The Final Battle & Losing a Brother.

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*y/n's pov*

I watch billy fly around the stadium, distracting Ladon the best he can. freddy looks up and notices my unbreaking stare. "y/n." he says, "will billy be okay?" I nod, "he'll be okay, don't worry."  we both turn to see billy uppercutting the dragon. "YES, KILL HIM!" freddy shouts. I yell, "KICK HIS ASS BILLY!"  and billy flies back down to grab the staff. he then flies toward Ladon as blue fire erupts from the dragon's mouth. the staff starts to charge up with lightning  and billy points the staff in front of him, protecting him from the fire. he shouts, "SHAZAM!" and the whole dome lights up and explodes, sending an electric shockwave all over the city. the dome fades away, sending a cloud of smoke through the streets. freddy whispers, "billy." and picks up his crutch, heading off into the wrecked stadium. I run after him, "freddy, wait!" I say. my feet pick up speed and I stop next to him. he bends down, clearing away the ash flakes to reveal...billy's dead body.  freddy gasps softly and says, "billy?" he doesn't reply. "billy! billy!" freddy repeats,  "dude, wake up. you did it. Okay. you're supposed to wake up. It's the part where you wake up and open your eyes and laugh and you're supposed to say you got me, 'cause you got me. Dude. Joke's over, man." he says. "Billy! Billy. Billy, come on." I say, "freddy." he sobs quietly. "what did you do?" he whispers. "wake up, Billy." victor shouts, "BILLY?" I reply, "he's over here!" rosa says, "billy." and they both run over to us. freddy cries, "you asshole! we're a team! we're a team!" rosa and victor stop when they see me looking at billy's corpse. "oh, billy." rosa whispers. freddy whimpers, "billy." rosa sobs and drops to her knees, "oh, my baby. no." I say, "he was a hero." and everyone turns to look at me, "he was a hero and a god." the wizard says, "and he should be laid to rest like one." victor sits next to freddy and says, "hey pal." freddy grabs onto him, sobbing. after a few minutes, he lets go of him and turns to me, I kneel down and hug freddy. he cries loudly into my shoulder. "shh, it's okay freddy. it's okay. shh." I whisper and he just sobs louder. he pulls away and we touch foreheads. "you promised you would help him. you said he would be okay." freddy says, tears still forming in his eyes. I reply, "freddy, I can't control what happens. we can't reverse death, no matter how sad it makes us."  his eyes widen. "you knew." he whispers, "you knew he was going to die and you did nothing. you just stood and watched." I sigh and say, "freddy, I didn't want to let him die, but it was the only way." freddy then collapses into my arms, punching my chest and screaming, "YOU KILLED HIM! IT'S YOUR FAULT HE'S GONE! YOU COULD HAVE SAVED HIM!"  he keeps punching my chest for a few minutes, his sobs get quieter and softer. he then sniffles, wipes his nose, and turns to his brother's body. "well, we should find a good place to bury him." he says, his voice quavering.  just then, I get an idea. I bend down, picking up billy and cradling him in my arms. "come on." I say. "let's go to the Temple Of The Gods, seems like an ideal spot."

Shazam!: Fury Of The Gods x  Male Supehero! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now