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Once we were done with our date we made our way back to the brunette's house. George quickly puts everything back in its place then leads us to the living room.

I lay down on the couch while hanging a leg off of it. George then grabs the remote and turns on the tv, playing soft instrumental music. He places the remote back on the coffee table as he made his way over to me.

I open my arms welcomingly to him. He then takes his spot on top of me.

*George' POV*
The second I laid down I felt him automatically wrap his arms around me. I start to play with his drawstrings as he began to rub my back.

I let out a tired yawn. I then hear Clay let out a slight chuckle. "When are you not tired?", he says. "I honestly don't know I feel like every time I'm with you I get sleepy all of a sudden but Clay"

"Yeah?", he replies.

"Are you comfortable with me hugging you in public?", I ask. He pauses as he thought to himself. "I'm alright with you doing anything with me in public"

"Even kissing you?"

"If that's what you really want then yes"

I smile. "As along as you're comfortable with it", I say as I feel his arms tighten around me.


I slightly lift my head up to look at the ground. And there sat Luna. She then hops on the couch and began to sniff Clay's face. She turns her head then sniffs my face as well.

"Hi Lulu", I say softly as we touch noses. She lets out another meow before hoping on to my back. I slightly wince as she puts her full body weight on her tiny little paws.

I then feel her sit down on me. "Did she just lay on me?", I ask Clay. "Yeah, she's actually loafing right now", he says quietly.

"Oh my god can you please take a photo", I asked
him as I carefully take my phone out of my pocket. He takes it from me then extends his arm out, trying to get the best angle.

He snaps a couple of pictures before handing my phone back to me. "Aw these are so cute!", I exclaimed as I looked through the photos. I slide my phone back into my pocket. Clay then reaches a hand up to my hair and gently stretches my head.

I close my eyes in satisfaction. "Now I'm really gonna fall asleep", I say as I wrapped my arms around Clay's neck.

Suddenly Luna jumps off my back as if she sense something was coming.

And then that's when I hear the doorknob rattle.

I quick shot up in a panic while Clay does as well. But we were too late.

My dad slowly makes his way inside the living room. His gaze then fell upon us. "George who is this?", my dad asks firmly.

*Clay's POV*
I see the brunette tense up to his words. So I speak for him. "Um sir, my name is Clay. And I was partnered up with George for a school project and we decided to continue on working on it here", I explained.

"I see but I'm afraid you must leave, George has some studies to catch up on", he says looking over to George. "But father I-"

"Silence George I'm sure your teacher will give you time to work on it during class", he cuts him off.

I see the brunette look down in defeat. I couldn't help but slightly glare at his dad. "It's fine I was leaving anyway", I say firmly.

I then turned to the brunette. "Goodbye George", I say softly. "Goodbye Clay", he says looking up at me with sad eyes. I began to walk over to the door but then I trip.

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