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I arrived home from school a few hours ago and was now laying down in my bed.

I was cuddling with the stupid white blob that Clay had bought me the day before.

It really had no right to be so comfortable.

I was finally able to rest after getting all of my homework out of the way. I will admit it felt quite odd not to have my dad home. But at least now I can relax in peace.

I could feel myself start to drift off to sleep but I hear something hit the window. Knowing exactly what it was I get up and open it. I throw myself back onto my bed as I had my back faced away from it.

A few moments later I hear a thud behind me. "George?", Clay say softly. I hum. I then hear him kick off his shoes as he approaches me. "Now wait a minute. I didn't buy this for you so you can replace me", he says as he rips the plushie away from me.

"Hey give him back!", I say as I turned around. "Nope", he then throws the plushie somewhere on the ground. "I'm here now so you'll won't be needing that", he states as he throws himself onto me.

"Clayy get off! You're heavy. I prefer the plushie over you"

"How dare you", he responds as he lifts his head up to look at me. "Well that one didn't crush me to death"

"Fine", he gives me a light kiss one the noise and flips us to the side. "Better?", he asks as he wraps his arms around me. "Yes"

"And I can actually give you the affection back", he says as he began to kiss my face. "Okay fine you're better", I admit as I held onto him.

I could feel myself begin to fall asleep as Clay continued to plant soft tender kisses on my face.


I groan in annoyance as I turned myself over. I soon feel Clay snake his arms around my waist. "Come on it's time to wake up", he whispers in my ear.

"Leave me alone", I say in a groggy voice. Clay then starts to kiss the back of my neck. "Stop let me sleep", I say as I slightly turn to him. But he continued to kiss me more.

"Clay stop your stupid beard is ticking me", he then began to purposely rub his face against my cheek. "Okay okay I'm awake what do you want", I say as I fully turned over to face him. 

"Nothing really I was just bored, you fell asleep in a matter of seconds"

"I hate you"

"Oh come on George, you and I both know that's not true", I roll my eyes but close them shut.

"George come on I have an idea what we can do"

"Does it involve sleeping?"

"Well no-"

"Then I'm not listening", I say as I turn back over.

"Georgee it will be fun"

"Ugh fine what is it?"

"Do you have some way to access the roof"

"T-the roof?"

"Yes George the roof", he says as he begins to chuckle. "Well we can go through the bathroom window"

"Alright sweet let's go"

"W-wait now?"

"Yes now come on get your lazy bum up", he says as he began to pick up me up. "Fine if you want me to go you have to carry me there", he just rolls his eyes and makes his way out my room.

"Wait can you get the plushie first?", he stops and looks over to the plushie then back at me. He shakes his head and scoffs. "My goodness you're so needy", he says as he put me back down.

"Well you decided to date me", he picks up the plushie and goes to hand it to me. "Well just know I never regretted it", he tells me as he kisses my forehead.

I blush to his words. He then lifts me up and I wrap my arms and legs around him.

"Which one is the bathroom?", he asks as he walks out of my room. "It's the first door to your right", he walks over and pushes the door open, turning the light on.

He puts me down as he made his way over to the window that was next to the toilet. He slides it open and pokes his head out. I anxiously watched him as he climbed through it.

He disappears from my view for a moment but quickly returns. "Alright it's safe just watch your step", I shut off the light and make my way over to him. I carefully step out. Clay wraps a supportive arm around my waist as he began to guide me up the roof.

Once we made it to the top part of the roof Clay sits down and puts me in between his legs. I lean my back against his chest as I stared off to the forest. "So what was the reason you wanted us to come here?", I ask quietly.

"So we can watch the stars", I look up to see the night sky and the stars tinkling. "It's pretty", I say softly to myself.

"You know there's a star that shines really bright. It's so bright that it lights up everything around it", he says.

"Where", I ask as I turned my head to look at him. "It's right in front of me", he smiles.

"Stop it", I begin to cover my face.

"You're the brightest star in my dark night sky George", he tells me as he kisses my temple.

I shove my face into the plushie but I peek my eyes out to look at him. "You never fail to make everything so much brighter", he adds on. I lift my head up.

He cups my face with his hands and pulls me into a loving kiss.

We pull away, I then rest my head on his chest as I feel him hold me tightly.

I couldn't help but smile.
1010 words

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