Befriending Carlos

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"Ah! No! Wait!" A voice shouts as Alexis is walking through a woods path with Rose.

"What in the world?" Alexis asks before Carlos nearly runs into her running away from a little dog as he then tries to climb up the a nearby tree as the dog barks at him.

"No stop!" Carlos shouts.

"Carlos!" Alexis shouts as she runs over after putting Rose in a nearby bush.

"Alexis!? Alexis help me! This thing is a killer! He's gonna chase me down and rip out my throat! This is a vicious rapid pack animal." Carlos shouts as he points to the little dog while Alexis picks it up.

"Carlos it's only a little dog. He won't hurt you. Who told you such a thing?" Alexis asks.

"My mother." Carlos says scaredly.

"Your mother? Cruella De Vil told you that about dogs?" Alexis asks.

"She's a dog expert. A doggy yeller. Why you holding him he's gonna attack you!?" Carlos shouts as Alexis laughs slightly.

"Carlos no offense but I think I know a little more about dogs than your mother due to my mother's side of the family. But you've never actually met a dog before have you?" Alexis asks as she pets the dog.

"Course not." Carlos says scaredly.

"Dude meet Carlos. Carlos this is Dude. He's our campus mutt. He's one of the things I actually like about this place. He's a very sweet animal." Alexis says.

"He doesn't look like a vicious rapid pack animal." Carlos says.

"Of course he isn't. If you'll come down from the tree I think you'd actually be pleasantly surprised." Alexis says as Carlos hesitantly comes down from the tree.

"Jeez. Your a good boy aren't you? Your a good boy." Carlos says as Alexis hands him Dude.

"If you like Dude maybe you'd let me show you someone else you may like." Alexis says kindly.

"Who?" Carlos asks hesitantly as he looks at Alexis. Alexis then smiles softly and whistles as Rose comes running out of the bushes and climbs up onto Alexis's shoulders.

"Carlos I want you to meet Rose." Alexis says happily as she pets Rose.

"What in the world is that?" Carlos asks as he takes a step back.

"Rose here is experiment 098. She was one of the experiments not affected by my cousin Angel. My aunt Lilo actually deemed her one true place with me due to where she acts like a pet so much around me." Alexis says.

"She does seem kind of friendly." Carlos says as he pets Rose resulting in her licking his hand.

"Of course she is friendly. Or well friendly long as you don't cause me harm. I guess you guys have it pretty rough on the island." Alexis says.

"Yea. Let's just say we don't get a lot of belly rubs." Carlos says as he laughs a bit.

"By the way that was some dash you made earlier. I honestly suggest trying out for tourney ball." Alexis says kindly.

"Tourney ball?" Carlos asks.

"Go talk to Coach Jenkins. I think you'd be really good at it. Well I gotta get going. I'll talk to you later Carlos." Alexis says as she smiles and waves to Carlos before walking off with Rose.

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