Family Day

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"You did really great on that number Doug." Alexis says as she Doug gets done singing Be Our Guest with some other students before walking over to Alexis.

"Thanks. How come you didn't join in? You love singing." Doug says.

"I just didn't feel like joining in today is all." Alexis says.

"Worried about your mom?" Doug asks.

"Oh yes." Alexis says.

"It'll be fine don't worry. I'm gonna go see my parents ok. Good luck." Doug says as he walks off as Carlos comes over.

"Hey. You look beautiful." Carlos says kindly as he smiles nervously.

"Oh. Thank you. You look nice as well." Alexis says happily.

"Thanks." Carlos says.

"Carlos I just want you to be aware that I have no idea how my mom will react when she meets you." Alexis says nervously.

"It's ok. Whatever happens just happens. As you said before what's done is done. I would still like to meet her." Carlos says as lexis nods nervously as she sees her mother come walking over.

"Alexis I've missed you so much." Raksha says as she hugs Alexis.

"I've missed you to mother. Mom I actually have someone I want you to meet. This is Carlos son of Cruella De Vil. He wanted to meet you so I told him I would introduce you." Alexis says as Carlos smiles.

"Cruella De Vil's son? You mean the son of the woman who harms dogs? Her son?" Raksha asks shocked.

"It's ok I actually love dogs and in both of your cases wolves. I actually have a pet dog. His name is Dude. Alexis introduced me to him. I'm glad she did." Carlos says as Raksha looks at him shocked.

"Oh um well that's uh nice." Raksha says hesitantly.

"Um Carlos I think your friends are calling for you. Why don't you go see what they're wanting." Alexis says.

"Ok well I'll come talk with you later." Carlos says as he walks off.

"Mother I know what your thinking but before you say anything. Please don't freak out. I really like him and he is actually really nice. He likes me for me and I just want you to try and be open minded about this." Alexis says.

"Alexis dear I'm trying to be open minded but he is the son of Cruella De Vil for pete's sake. I just don't see this ending well." Alexis says.

"Mom please just give it a chance. Please that's all I'm asking." Alexis says.

"Alright dear one chance." Raksha says as Alexis smiles.


"So how did things go with your mom?" Doug asks as he comes over.

"Could of been worse." Alexis says.

"Well let's hope things stay that way. Wanna come play a game or something?" Doug asks.

"I'm ok. I think I'm gonna go and wait with my mom. I enjoy watching Carlos play with Dude. I'm glad he and the others came here. I think it was the best thing for them." Alexis says happily.

"Suit yourself. You know where to find me." Doug says as he walks off before Alexis walks over to stand by her mom.

"You!?" A voice shouts getting everyone's attention.

"Oh no." Alexis says realizing the voice was Audrey's grandmother and everyone looks to her with Mal and Audrey.

"How are you here? And how have you stayed so young?" Audrey's grandmother asks as everyone starts gathering around them.

"Queen Leah it's ok. Maleficent is still on the island. This is her daughter Mal. Don't you remember my new proclamation to give the new generation a chance?" Ben asks as he comes over placing his arm around Mal's waist.

"A chance to what Ben? Destroy us!? Come on you remember don't you? The poison apples. And the spells! Spells. My daughter was raised by fairies because of your mother's curse. So her first words, her first steps, I missed it all!" Queen Leah says sadly as Fairy Godmother comforts her.

"I'm so sorry." Mal says as she tries to go closer to Queen Leah to apologize but Chad stops her.

"No way! Stay away from her!" Chad says.

"Don't do this Chad." Ben says as he steps closer to him.

"What? They were raised by their parents Ben. What do you think villains teach their kids? Kindness? Fair play? No way ok! Uh-huh. You stole another girl's boyfriend." Chad says as he glares at Mal.

"Hey! Hey!" Ben shouts as he tries to intervene.

"You enjoy hurting people. And you your nothing but a gold digger and a cheater." Chad says as he starts after Jay and Evie.

"Mirror mirror in my hand who's the biggest jerk in the land!?" Evie asks as she uses her mirror to show Chad himself.

"What!? Come on." Chad says as he pushes Evie's hand out of his face resulting in him getting tackled by Jay before Evie sprays him with something putting him to sleep before the villain kids leave as Ben's father starts yelling at Ben.

"I should of known better than to even remotely think those kids could do any good." Raksha says.

"What?" Alexis asks.

"Alexis you are to never speak to that boy or any of those kids again." Raksha says as she begins to walk off.

"No." Alexis says as her mother stops.

"What did you just say?" Raksha asks as she turns to look at Alexis.

"I said no mother. You have done nothing but hide me away as something I am not ever since what happened to dad and the other cousins. I'm tired of holding my tongue because of your high horse just because you want me to be this person I am not. You are supposed to be the mother of Mowgli! You taught all of us that growing up different is nothing to be ashamed of! You taught me to always give people a chance no matter what! But it seems ever since what happened to dad you've been completely different. Not caring to even ask me anymore if any of this is what I want or if I am even ok with it. Those villain kids are no different from me or Mowgli! Thing's wouldn't of gotten so out of control if everyone just tried to give them one chance. Is that really so hard to ask for? Apparently it has become such a crime to even ask for a chance. I'm ashamed of you and every other adult here who are supposed to be teaching us right from wrong. Not to hate people we don't even know just because of where they come from. It's downright shameful when an adult acts like a child." Alexis says angrily.

"You are my daughter. You will do as I say and what I see is best for you." Raksha says angrily.

"You might be my mother but you will never be my pack leader! I will not follow in your paw steps whether you like it or not. Once I am old enough I am leaving Auradon and your pack. So I won't be your problem to worry about anymore." Alexis says angrily as she walks off ignoring her mother calling her name.

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