Chapter 14 (Plan B)

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I made it back to New York and I still don't know what im going to do with this Keenan situation. I gave him $5,000, what else is left for me to do shit? I shouldn't have to apologize, he started all of this. I texted Keenan and told him to come over so we could talk. I don't know what im going to say to get him off my back. Don't know why im sitting here tripping like this. He set me up and didn't give a fuck about my feelings. I wish things go could back to the way it was. One thing im not trying to do is get on Keenan bad side. I've seen what it means to be on his bad side and im not trying to be on that side of the fence. I'll say whatever to fix this. 

   I was pacing back and forth wondering if Keenan is going to show up. He didn't reply back so I don't know if he is coming or not. I tried to call him, but it went straight to voicemail. For once in my life, I am actually scared. I don't know what im going to say or I don't know what he going to do. To calm my nerves, I took a shot. I figured this can go one or two ways. Either he going to accept my apology and we be cool. Or he don't accept it and we at war for real. 2 hours had gone by since I texted him and he still didn't show up. I figured why not finish this bottle of Vodka. I was sitting on the couch tipsy as hell when I gotta knock on the door. I tried to gather my thoughts just in case it's Keenan. I opened the door, and it was him. My heart instantly dropped, and I sobered up real quick. 

   Hey, im glad you came. What's up? You want something to drink, I asked with a nervous tone? Naw im good, what's up? I wanted you to come over because I wanted to smooth things over with you. I know I was wrong for setting you up and I apologize for that. I gave you your money that was took plus more. I don't know what else left for me to do, I said. Who said you had to do something else? Kendra said you came over to her house. Yeah, I did. Why? You know she don't have nothing to do with this. I just wanted to know where you was. What kind of mind games you playing Keenan? Lol im not playing no games. Cut the bullshit, ok? I know you and I know when you playing mind games. You really tripping, im not playing games. Yeah what you did was fucked up and I was pissed about it. You gave me my money back plus extra so im not tripping. All is forgiven, he said. I don't know what kind of games Keenan playing right now but my ass ain't buying it. If he wasn't tripping, he wouldn't have went to Lakendra house. I know he up to something, I can tell. 

    Soooo this mean we cool? Yep, why wouldn't we be? Yeah, his ass up to something, I thought. So, can we go back to the normal us? I gotta admit, I do miss this pussy. Really? Yeah, you know you miss this dick. Maybe a little, I said. Just a little, Keenan asked as he rubbed my pussy? I kept saying in my head, "don't fall for his shit". I really do miss you Crystal, Keenan said as he grabbed my hand. I miss you too. I hate all that shit went down between us. I never meant to lose you as a friend Crystal. I know what I did was wrong and im truly sorry for that. I teared up a little, I felt the sincerity in his voice and seen it in his eyes. This all I wanted from you. If you would have just apologized sooner, everything would have been good. Well everything is good now, Keenan said.

   Keenan grabbed my face and kissed me. At first, I thought he was up to something. Now im starting to think he really serious. I hope he is shit, im tied of running from his ass. So now that we good, can I get some of this good pussy? Lol, I think you deserved it. You think? Keenan picked me up and put me on the pool table. Yet again, this man ripped my dress off. It's cool, it was just my around the house dress. I gotta admit, I missed this man's touch. Seeing how I haven't had no dick since his homebody, this shit feel like heaven to me. I laid there enjoying feeling Keenan lips all over my body. He was so gentle with me and I loved it. Normally the sex always rough but not this time. It was so much emotion, it made it much better. Keenan looked me in my eyes and just stared at me. I thought his ass was about to stab me or something. Why you looking at me like that? I love you Crystal. I immediately started choking. You ok, Keenan asked? What you say? I said I love you. What? Why? When? How? Lol ive always had feelings for you, I just couldn't express it how I wanted to. So, what's different about now? Us not talking made me realize just how much you meant to me. I really didn't know what to think. Like this shit threw me for a real loop. The whole time we was fucking, it was playing in the back of my head.

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