Chapter 7 (And I'm Out)

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   Keenan must think telling me he love me was going to change something. That ain't changed a damn thing over here. I'm still not fucking with him and im still going to L.A with Karter. Crystal about to get gone on his ass and not feel bad about it either. I haven't heard from Lakendra since I told her to leave my house yesterday. I'm not mad at her or anything, im just not trying to hear somebody telling me how to live my life. I don't have time for that preaching shit. I wanted to call Lakendra and let her know I was leaving for L.A today but she didn't answer. I was hella excited about going to L.A with Karter. I ain't never been out of New York before so im beyond excited about this. Karter sent a limo to pick me up and take me to his private jet. Y'all I was happier than a fat kid in a candy store. I never been in a limo nor been on a plane/jet. I was in the limo snapping all kind of pics. I couldn't wait to see Karter or to see what he had planned for us while we out there. I'm more excited because ya girl pussy healed! The swelling went down pretty fast, I still got a few scratches but it ain't as bad now. I can walk right, wipe, and I even tickled it a few times. Although im healed, im still going to take my time with Karter. He been extremely sweet since I met him, and I don't want that to end. 

     We made it to the private jet, and I had butterflies. I was nervous yet excited to see him and to even be with him for a week. Hey Crystal! Hey Karter! You look great, Karter said. Thank you, you look good too. You ready to go? Beyond ready, I said with a huge smile on my face. Well let's go, Karter held my purse as I got on the jet. WOW! I was completely speechless. Karter, I don't know what to say. You don't have to say anything, the glow in your eyes say enough for me. Have you ever been on a plane before? No, I said while squeezing the arm rest. You nervous? A little, I said. Don't be nervous, im not going to let anything happen to you. Karter grabbed my hand and held it tight. I really felt safe when he did that. So, this is a day in the life of Karter? Pretty much. Would you like something to drink? Sure, I said. I know you don't do wine or champagne, so I had a bartender make a bottle of something I thought you would like. It look good, what is it? I think she said it's cran-grape mixed with vodka, a splash of lemon juice, and gin. Damn this is good, you trying to get me drunk? Of course not, I just want you to be comfortable. Well, this is a good start. I have a lot of exciting things planned for us. Really? Like what? I'm not telling you, just know you going to love it. 

    So, what made you want my company? I just wanna get to know you better and get you out of New York. I wanna show you things you never thought you will see before. I like the sound of that. Let me ask you something, why you single? I mean, you seem like a real sweet guy and it's hard to believe you not dating anybody. Like I said before, I don't wanna get involved with the wrong woman. I work hard for everything I have, and I don't wanna risk losing it all. Well where im from, if a man seems like the perfect gentleman but not dating anybody something wrong with him. Something like what? You could be crazy, a murderer, gay, or something. I'm none of those things, Karter said while laughing. Even if I was, it'll be too late to do anything about it. You already on a plane with me and you don't know where you going. That's ok, because I can fight your ass. You wouldn't harm me, Karter said. Shittttt! I don't have no brothers or sisters, so I grew up learning to fight anybody just to protect myself. Well while you with me, it's my job to protect you. Y'all I wanted to fuck him right then when he said that. 

    Kendra where your girl at, Keenan asked? She in L.A. L.A? With who? Her friend, I thought you knew? Naw, she didn't say shit to me about no L.A. How long she going to be out there? I think she said for a week. A week? Yep, that's what she said. Who is her friend? Keenan I don't know, just call her. I been calling her for the past 2 hours, she not answering. Well, I don't know what to tell you then. After I done sat here and told her I loved her, she out of town with some other nigga. Wait, rewind that. You told her you loved her? Yeah, thinking that was gone fix shit between us. That's probably why she left anyway. She probably knew that was some bullshit just like I know, Lakendra said. I really do love her; I just know I can't love her how I want to. Well, I don't know what to tell you sir. Guess you just gotta wait until she get back or decide to call you back. 

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