Chapter 24 (Too Late)

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Mane last night was everything I wanted it to be plus more. I woke up in the room wondering where Jayden was, he left a note on the bed. "Last night was the best night of my life. Sorry im not there with you right now, I had some business to take care of. I have something special planned for you tonight. The limo is outside waiting to take you wherever you need to go. I will pick you up tonight around 7, see you then". Jayden pulled out all kind of tricks last night and he still got more tricks. I wish I would have met him a long time ago.

    I got in the limo and gave the driver Lakendra address. I couldn't wait to see her and hug her. I made it to her house when I saw a bunch of cars outside. Moving people, cleaning people, and police. I ran up the driveway to see what's going on. When I made it to the door, I saw Terrell. Terrell, what you doing here? You live here, he asked? No my best friend does, what's going on? I hate to tell you this, but she was found dead 2 days ago. OMG! I instantly broke down in tears. You didn't know? No I didn't, I haven't talked to her since the last letter she sent before I got out. She was saying how she was going through a lot. Her son died and her marriage was falling apart. She felt like she was going to lose it. I didn't write her back because I was going to surprise her today. I can't believe this is happening right now.

    First I lose my mama, my godson, and now my best friend. What im going to lose next God, I yelled! Terrell held me in his arms while I cried. I just couldn't believe it. I didn't get a chance to say goodbye, I didn't get chance to be there for her when she really needed me, and I didn't get a chance to see her son. This is too much for me right now. This is not supposed to be happening right now. WHY! I know this is rough, but I know you can get through this. I lost somebody that I really cared for too. To this day, im still dealing with her death. Every day I wake up wanting to see her name pop up on my phone. It's not easy and it won't be easy no time soon. You have to know she is in a better place now. Most of all, she is with her son and your mother.

   Terrell was right, losing her son was too much for her. I guess she just wanted to be with him again. Not having Lakendra in my life no more is going to be a struggle to deal with. That was my best friend, my sister, my rock, and the only person I had left in this world. God, you going to have to help me get through this. I wasn't in the mood to do nothing right now. I texted Jayden and let him know I wasn't going to be able to go out with him tonight. I really wanted to, but I just can't do it right now. Now would be the perfect time for me to have Keenan by my side. I had so much going through my head I didn't realize my ass didn't have nowhere to stay. Since I was in jail, Lakendra moved my stuff out of the apartment. Now I gotta find somewhere to stay. This is just too much for me to deal with right now.

    Jayden text and told me to go back to the hotel. I wasn't sure why, but I needed something to ease my mind. I made it back to the casino hotel when I saw Pacman and Slim. Hey y'all! Hey good to see you out, Slim said. It's good to be out. Jayden asked us to take you to his house. Why? He know you don't have a place to stay right now since you just got out. He said you can stay at his house until you find a place. Awww, that was sweet of him. I was glad Jayden letting me stay at his house. My ass shol didn't have nowhere to go. I still have a few errands to run. We know, that's why he got you this. Pacman moved to the side and I saw a brand-new car with a bow on it. This for me? Yes, he knew you needed a ride. Here is his address, just come to the house when you done. Thank y'all!

   I got in my brand-new car and went to find Keenan. With all that's going on, I still have to set Keenan up. The judge gave me 4 months to do it so I gotta get this done quick. I went to Keenan drop spot; I knew he would be there. Sup stranger? Crystal, Keenan said with a shock look on his face. I didn't know you was out. I got out yesterday. You look good, Keenan said. Thank you. You heard about Kendra? Yeah, I just left from her house. I didn't have a way to get in touch with you to let you know. How did you hear about it? I'm the one that found her. I knew she was going through a lot after her son passed. I would go check on her and stuff. With her husband leaving and you being in jail, I knew she needed somebody. She didn't want my help at first, but everything became too much for her. I know how close y'all was and I know losing her is hard for you. I'm here if you need me. Thank you.

    You look too good to just be getting out of jail. I called a friend to pick me up when I got out. He knew I needed clothes and stuff, so he helped me out. Why you didn't call me? The same reason why you didn't come see me. You didn't get my letter? Yeah, I got it. Then you know I had a lot going on. You had so much going on to where you couldn't come see the person you claim you love? You was too busy you couldn't come see the person that was in jail because of you? You was too busy to accept any of my calls? I know how it sounds and looks but I didn't try to ignore you on purpose. I didn't come here to fight with you. With losing my best friend, I really need you right now. I told you im here for you.

   Where you staying at? My friend got me a hotel. What kind of friend is this? A friend with benefits? It really don't matter. When I need him, he here for me. As soon as he found out I was in jail, he came to see me. Enough about this, I need your help. What's up? I need some money. You know I got you, Keenan said. With me basically losing everything, I gotta start over. Can I make some drops for you? Naw, you just spend the last 2 years in jail. I wouldn't dare let you do a drop. Well let me do some with you. You don't have to, ill just give you money. What if I help your business? What you mean? If I could make some sells, would you split the profit with me? Of course, but I don't want you getting involved. It's cool, I just need something to do to keep my mind occupied. Ok if you make any sells, just let me know. My plan was in motion. All I gotta do is set up a fake drop and let Keenan go down for it. That's too simple so im going to do more. Take pics, get recorded conversations all that shit. I wanna make sure he do some real time.

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