Chapter 9 (No Dick Tonight)

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  I made a few phone calls to teach Keenan ass a little lesson. It's a real deal wrap between us forreal now. Him bringing my mama into this was a bad move on his part. I don't like to get my hands dirty, so I let other people do it for me. I wasn't doing shit, so I figured ill go do a little shopping. I haven't talked to Karter since we got back from L.A, so I thought ill swing by his store. Hi, is Karter in? Yes, let me get him for you, the cashier said. Hey Crystal! What you doing here? I haven't talked to you, so I figured ill stop by and see you. Aw im sorry, I been so busy since we got back. Me going to L.A for a week, kind of put me behind on my other projects. Aw, I thought you been avoiding me. Of course not, I enjoyed my time with you so I wouldn't dare avoid you. What you got planned for today, Karter asked? Nothing much really, probably go get something to eat. Wish I could join you, I got so much to do. It's ok, we can catch up some other time. I'll call you later, Karter said as he kissed me on the cheek. I was leaving Karter's store when I gotta text from Jayden. He just landed in New York and he wanna go out to dinner tonight. I stopped and found me something sexy to wear. 

    Jayden wanted me to meet him at the casino, I wasn't sure why. I arrived at the casino and saw 2 big ass men standing at the doors. I'm guessing they Jayden's bodyguards or something. Crystal? Yes, I said with a nervous tone. We are Jayden's bodyguards; he is inside waiting on you. Slim is going to park your car and im going to lead you to Jayden. It was kind of weird his bodyguard's name Slim and he as big as a house. I'm Pacman by the way. Y'all got some weird names to be bodyguards. Lol, we got cool names. Sure, where is he? You'll see, Pacman said. We was walking for like 10 minutes when I realized I didn't see nobody else. We finally made it to where Jayden was, he was standing there looking so sexy. Here is your date for the evening, Pacman said to Jayden. Appreciate it homie. Enjoy y'all date, Pacman said. 

    You look amazing, Jayden said. Thank you, you look good too. I'm shocked you made it out here so fast. Yeah, I was anxious to see you. I closed the casino just for us. I was impressed and that just won him some pussy points. I also have a private chef to cook dinner for us. Wow, you pulling out all kind of stops tonight huh? I just wanna show you a good time. So, tell me something about you. It's not much to tell, I said. I'm sure it is. I'm 21, only child, never had a boyfriend, no kids, my mom was killed by my father before she could have any more kids, and that's it. I'm sorry to hear that about your mother. I lost my mom too, so I know your pain. Did you say 21? Yes, is that a problem? No, you just don't look that young. I get that a lot, how old are you? 34, Jayden said. You don't look it, I said. I'll take that as a compliment. You have any kids? Yeah, I have a little girl. Do you want kids? Not really but if it happens, I won't be mad. How old is your little girl? 3, her name Jayla. Jayden and Jayla, that's cute. Yeah, I miss her so much. Where is she? With her mother, she's keeping her away from me. Damn, that's fucked up. 

   We been going through this custody battle for like 8 months now. She trying to use the fact im a boxer against me. How? Telling the judge im always busy, I don't have a stable home, I have tons of women around, and what not. Why would she say you don't have a stable home? I have a house in Vegas, Atlanta, and Miami. My house in Vegas is my main home. The house in Atlanta and Miami just my out-of-town homes. Aw that's understandable, she shouldn't hold that against you. Yeah, she still bitter because of how our relationship ended. How long it's been since y'all broke up? 3 years ago, Jayden said. And she still bitter? Obviously, she kind of trapped me into getting her pregnant. That's how women do, I said. Me and Jayden sat in the restaurant talking for like an hour or so. I wanna show you something, Jayden said. Lead the way sir. We got on the elevator and went up to the 13th floor. Where we going, I asked? Just follow me, Jayden said. We made it to room 2601C, and I didn't know what I was about to walk in to. 

   Before we go in, I gotta blind fold you. Aw hell naw! I don't do the blind fold shit. You don't trust me? My trust a little off with people, I said. That's understandable, we can just go in. Jayden opened the door, and I was speechless. All I saw was rose pedals, candles, and Pacman was playing the piano. That was shocking to see because he big as hell. He don't look like the type to be playing the piano and shit. This is really beautiful Jayden. Thank you, may I have this dance? Of course! So, tell me more about your daughter. Man, she the sweetest little girl you'll ever meet. She the complete opposite from her mother. What happened between y'all? We was dating for like a year, but she couldn't handle the fact I was a boxer and wasn't at home much. She figured if she got pregnant ill stay at home more. But why would you? You staying home while she was pregnant meant, you wouldn't be able to provide for her or your child. That's exactly what I told her. When I found out she was pregnant, I grinded harder. I was taking more fights, more endorsement deals, and doing a lot more. When she had Jayla, I definitely slowed down. I stopped taking fights for like a year, didn't do any promotions, no kind of business whatsoever. My career died while I took that time off, but it was worth it to me. So, how did things get so crazy between y'all? 

    I wanted to take Jayla on the road with me, but she didn't like that. She felt like if we took this to court, she'll win the custody battle. Do she work? Nope, she just a ghetto hair stylist. She really don't have a chance at winning, I said. If she can't prove you a bad father or not able to take care of Jayla, y'all will have joint custody. If you can prove she can't take care of Jayla, you'll get custody. I'm not trying to get full custody; I just want us to co-parent so I can see my child. I understand, I said. Pacman you can leave now. Just let me know if y'all need anything, ill be downstairs getting my gamble on. Me and Jayden sat on the couch and watched the fireplace. So tell me, why you don't trust people? From experiences ive went through. Did you say you never had a boyfriend? Yep, never had one. That's shocking to hear. Like I said, I don't trust people. Why you freaked out when I brought up the blind fold? 

    I was dealing with this guy, he blind folded me, and then he let one of his homeboys fuck me. WOW! That's beyond fucked up. Why he do something like that? They made a deal or whatever and I just so happened to be a part of the deal. Damn, I see why you don't trust people. That ain't some shit you do to somebody. I couldn't believe he did that to me honestly. I can't believe it either, Jayden said. I'm sorry you had to go through something like that. It's cool, it just taught me to not put so much trust in somebody. I feel you on that, I don't trust too many people myself. Pacman and Slim the only 2 people I can trust. I don't have to worry about them trying steal from me or nothing like that. That's a good thing, I said. Jayden I'll just cut to the chase, I wanna fuck. Oh wow! I don't even know what to say. I don't wanna waste your time nor give you the wrong impression. I'm not looking for a relationship or somebody to be good to me. So, what are you looking for? Somebody to just give me some good dick really. Jayden had this floored look on his face. I ain't had no dick since DJ fucked my shit up so im trying to get fucked. 

   Crystal, you a beautiful woman and im so attracted to you but I can't fuck you right now. I normally don't turn a woman down like that but im not that guy no more. Before I had my daughter, I was fucking pretty much anything that looked good. I wouldn't want no man doing my daughter like that. So, how long you think it's going to take for you to fuck me? I can't give you a straight answer right now. I was sitting there thinking like "what the fuck is wrong with this man". I'm sorry if that's not the answer you wanna hear. In a way I respect that, I said. I just wanna get to know you better first, Jayden said. I learned my lesson for just fucking anything. What you got something?  No, I got setup by this girl I was messing with. Her and her boyfriend tried to rob me but luckily Pacman and Slim came over. Aw, well im not going to do nothing like that. I just wanna be sure for myself. Well just let me know when you ready to fuck, I said. Will do, Jayden said. I ain't wanna waste my time getting to know Jayden. We went downstairs and gambled. It was cool tripping out with him, Pacman, and Slim.

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