Tuesday, July 4th

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11:00 am

Dear Diary, happy fourth of July! So funny story.... I normally spend the Fourth of July at a barbecue with my family and Raven and all of our neighborhood and of course I was expected to participate in that like always... mom and dad even bought me an apron but I decided to actually hang out with Brooks instead. Brooks invited me to his grandparents lake house so that is where I am going! I know... it's shocking that my parents are even letting me go! I am actually really excited... I have  a new black swimsuit and everything! Brooks and I still aren't official but we are working on it. They actually are coming to pick me up pretty soon and then we are going to drive to the lake house which is about 30 minutes away. I told mom, dad, Rose and Mara to feel free to play bean bags and red rover without me..... I doubt I will be missing much! 

2:00 pm

Dear Diary, so the lake house is going alright so far! Brooks's grandma called me a "sweetheart" and we had some donuts....that is all I got so far. 

10:00 pm

Dear Diary, so I just got back from the lake house and it.... once again... didn't quite go as expected. Brooks had a bunch of random friends there that I have never seen before and we actually didn't even swim until night time because they thought it would be cooler at night. So basically we sat in a circle and talked for a very long time and I couldn't really get a word in without being interrupted, and then the adults started playing "Never Have I Ever" but like the drinking version of "Never Have I Ever".... I can't do that! I am only 13.... why would they play a drinking game around a 13 year old? Anyways so after that we got some pizza and kind of just sat around.... again..... lots of sitting around and talking. So then about 2 hours ago we FINALLY got in the pool but Brooks didn't really talk to me for most of the time.... he kept on raving and raving about how much he adores all of these people while they were kind of just laying low and ignoring me.... it seems like the only time Brooks really talks and interacts with me is when it's just me and him and any time he's with his clan he kind of just forgets me... especially when he went up to a tree house with some of them and didn't even ask me if I wanted to come so at that point I was kind of just sitting around waiting for him to be done! Then I started to wonder why he even invited me to the lake and he said he loves these people so much that he wanted me to meet them... but it still doesn't make sense that he seems to ignore me every time he's around these types of people....... 


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