Wednesday, June 13th

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12:00 pm

Dear Diary, I am getting ready to go hang out with Brooks! Raven and I were supposed to babysit today but I actually had to take a raincheck so Raven is doing it by herself. I can't wait to see Brooks! I feel so weird dressing like a goth but if it's what he likes it's what he likes. This is what I'm wearing. 

He hasn't really told me what we are going to do but I'm sure it will be great! 

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He hasn't really told me what we are going to do but I'm sure it will be great! 

10:00 pm

Dear Diary, okay........ that was NOT at all what I expected. So Brooks was driving.... yeah DRIVING. I don't even think I am supposed to get in the car with someone that young but he was right there so what was I supposed to do? So I just got in the car... mom and dad were at work so hope Rose and Mara don't spill the beans. But anyways, I had thought it was going to be just me and Brooks but it turns out he brought his friends... two of them. Their names are Sydney and Ron. Basically people with black hair, black clothes and black everything....

 Basically people with black hair, black clothes and black everything

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These guys are 15 just like Brooks so they were all older than me. Basically these people are goth, always down in the dumps, always complaining, hate everything and just kinda are never happy... or at least that's how it seems. In the car we were listening really REALLY loud heavy metal and everyone was nodding their heads to the music while I was kind of just sitting there basking the loud music. I wasn't even sure where we were going... I thought it was just going to be me and Brooks! 

So apparently they go to this hang out called "The Rock Bottom".... well that's their slang name for it but it's a creek with a bunch of graffiti, trash and random people making out..... GROSS! I don't even get why they come to hang out there it smells like a dump and UGH! So I asked them what they do at the "Rock Bottom" place and they said listen to music, hang out, have deep talks, and play cards against humanity. They also said they sometimes do cosplay??? I have never done cosplay before. We started with deep talks... they then started talking about when they broke into a pool and swam there at night last week.... broke into a pool??? Isn't there some type of neighborhood watch that would notice that??? They then asked me if I have ever done anything like that and I said "I swam in the lake at my summer camp without permission" and then they giggled, scoffed and said "Summer camp?? You went to SUMMER CAMP??" Apparently "summer camp" is kiddy to them?? We then played a game called never have I ever and the first one was never have I ever kissed somebody and Sydney said to me that she bets I have never kissed anyone and then I turned it around and said as a matter of fact I have and then they asked me where my first kiss was and I said during spin the bottle at a girls pool party and they said, "Spin the bottle?? How kiddy are you going to get??" As we continued to play Never Have I ever, I realized that they have done A LOT of things that I haven't done....

They then turned that loud heavy metal music on again and I asked Brooks to turn it down and he said, "Why? Heavy metal is how we express our souls... we think of it as the louder we play it, the louder we express our souls..." So then I said, "Well right now it's giving me a headache!" So then he finally turned it down a little. I then said, "So as long as we are talking about kissing... do you guys want to hear a funny story... so I went to my cousin's wedding and started dancing with this boy and he ended up being my SECOND COUSIN and I didn't find that out until AFTER I kissed him.... so gross right?" I then started laughing in hopes that they were going to laugh too... but they kinda just looked at me weirdly... then Brooks said we were going to go to his house which I am not supposed to do but... eh.... mom won't know about it right? So I did. 

Brooks's house was nothing like I had ever seen before. It was cold, barely had any photos or furniture or anything and there was kinda creepy music playing that sounded like what they play in those vampire movies.... I then met his mom who was dressed in all black like him and she said hi with a very blank look on her face.... are Brook's family all goths...? We then got into Brooks's room which was pretty cold and empty the same as the rest of the house and it had one of those disco lights that projected different colors on the walls. Then it had a computer, a poster on the wall of a heavy metal band I am not familiar with and a bed and that was about it. They then all pulled out these African drums and started playing them and singing a weird song and I just sat there really confused and asked them what is up with this and they said it is part of their ritual...? Brooks told me that since this is my first time I can just watch this time... they then all got out this book called "A Woman In Black" and started taking turns reading it almost like a bible.... I was so confused so I said to them, "I am sorry guys... I don't understand...." They said, "You see... we are all part of a goth group called "The Night Souls" Then I said, "You mean like a club?" They chuckled and then Sydney said, "No... not a club... we're not kids. We just call each other a group..." They then asked me if I wanted to join but honestly... I was really confused still but I like Brooks so much so I just went with it and said sure...

Brooks said another part of their ritual is going to the cemetery at night where his grandpa is buried so I went to the cemetery with them and honestly.... it was kind of chilling to the bone. A cemetery at night is almost like a horror movie or something... but then it got a little better when Brooks offered to hold my hand... he then put some black flowers on his grandpa's grave and I asked him, "Why black? Aren't flowers supposed to be colorful?" Brooks said, "Yeah but we are goths so we do everything in black... and plus black flowers symbolize power and mystery..." I then heard an owl and started to get a bit scared and Brooks said, "Are you uncomfortable?" I said, "Yeah... a little..." And he said, "We can go then... it is your first time. Sorry to overwhelm you...." I said "it's okay but I should probably get going since it's getting late..." 

Brooks then drove me home and that's where I am now... I can't believe how goth and weird Brooks's friends are! The whole time I couldn't help but think about how I didn't seem to fit in... I am not a goth.... yet I got tossed into a goth group and it felt so strange the whole time...

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