Saturday, June 2nd

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5:45 pm

Dear Diary, so once Raven stopped laughing after I explained to her that I kissed my second cousin, we went to the mall and we got cute outfits and swimsuits!! We actually got some matching stuff because why not? You would think that I'd be matching with my sisters but Rose never wants to match with me and I don't feel like wearing Hello Kitty stuff. Raven and I got the cutest swimwear! We actually went to the pool today and my goal was to impress Brooks so I put on a pink cute swimsuit did my hair and makeup and Raven and I were brainstorming ways to impress him and then we came up with maybe if we like flip our hair and try to be all cool when we jump into the pool so I tried that... he didn't react! 

So not so much progress there

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So not so much progress there.... but then he actually did walk up to me and I was so excited! He was about to talk to me but......... only to tell me that I am too short to go on the water slide! Ughhh!! I really want to get his attention so I kept thinking about ways to get his attention and then I started thinking maybe I should just talk to him like a normal person would and I thought about it but then I realized what I really need to know is what he likes in a girl.... but if I asked him that it would make it too obvious so I asked Raven to do it... immature I know but I only needed her to do it this one time and then I will do the rest of it myself so she asked him what he likes in a girl and he said he likes girls that roller skate, he likes girls that are caring and he likes girls that are goth??? Goth??? That doesn't make any sense... roller skating, caring and goth.... none of those things go together whatsoever! But at least now I know.... anything that will get him to talk to me not just enforcing the lifeguard rules... anyways I have to go because exciting news... Raven and I got our first babysitting gig of the summer tonight! We are babysitting 2 4 year old girls that are twins named Madison and Hannah and they live in a huge mansion! I'll let you know how it goes!

11:00 pm

Dear Diary, okay that family's house was the BIGGEST and COOLEST house I have ever seen. Well... besides Layla's. They have got a pool that we swam in and a movie theatre and all of that. The girls had to go to bed pretty early so we played in the pool for a little while, drew, read books and that was about it since the kids had to go to bed at 8:00 pm. Raven and I discovered that there is an indoor hot tub that we decided to go in... we didn't ask for permission but like.... we thought they'd be fine with it so we jumped in and it was relaxing UNTIL the dye in our swimsuits left a huge pink ring around the tub!! Raven and I had to look up ways to get it out and nothing worked so we scrubbed and scrubbed until the parents got home and they uh...... yeah........ not our finest moment. 

So yeah

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So yeah.... I don't think Raven and I are going to get invited back to that house..... heh.... but oh well.... it'll be okay.... I hope... heh...

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