Friday, June 1st

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10:00 am

Dear Diary, it's the wedding day!!! Right now I actually am getting my hair and makeup done professionally at my aunt's house in a silky robe!! I feel so fancy!!!!!!!! Here is my hair and makeup: 

Dear Diary, it's the wedding day!!! Right now I actually am getting my hair and makeup done professionally at my aunt's house in a silky robe!! I feel so fancy!!!!!!!! Here is my hair and makeup: 

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Mom says today is the only day that I can wear too much makeup for my age

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Mom says today is the only day that I can wear too much makeup for my age. Let's hope Mara gets the flower girl walk down since at the rehearsal she walked backwards.... I feel so spoiled getting my hair and makeup done heh... well the ceremony is about to start... see you later! 

3:00 pm

Dear Diary, the outdoor ceremony was perfect! Mara actually walked the right way and me and Rose got to walk down the aisle and I felt like a princess! But then of course Mara started to get restless during the ceremony and mom had to bribe her with candy. And then we took some photos. 

Cute right? Well

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Cute right? Well... onto the reception where I am pretty sure that cute boy is going to ask me to dance!! 

10:00 pm

Dear Diary, so the reception was so amazing!! We started with dinner, then we watched the bride and groom dance and all that, then the dance floor opened up and I was so shy about dancing!! I never know how to dance so I kind of just sat there but then my family was dancing and they were like Gab you can't just sit there... you gotta dance so I attempted but then the cute guy walked up to me and said his name is Parker and he asked me to dance so I danced with him! Like we slow danced... and honestly... it was magical! And then he said he wanted to get to know me better so he asked me to tell him a little bit about myself so I told him that I am Elle's cousin, I am 13, I live in Illinois, I like to swim, babysit, shop and hang out with my best friend Raven and he said cool and he told me a little more about himself. He lives in New York, he has a pet parakeet and he loves to skateboard so then I got so flirty and shy and told him his nose looks like a rabbit... but then I was like why did I say that that sounds so stupid! But then the music started to speed up a little and Parker started doing hip hop moves while I kind of just stood there! And then the music got slower again and he told me I am the prettiest bridesmaid there... (no offense to Rose) and I said thank you... and then I looked around to see what my parents are doing.... mom was doing the duggy with my uncle and dad was chasing Mara who likes to play run through the hotel halls so I thought the coast was clear.... so I kissed Parker!! Parker kissed me...... Parker and I kissed!! And honestly.... it was magical.... the first time I have ever had such a magical kiss and this time it DEFINITELY wasn't a ferret hahah... 

12:00 am

Dear Diary, it is midnight and the party ain't over yet!!!! I am currently in a hotel room with a bunch more people and we are dancing to kesha, playing card games, watching chick flicks... it's so much fun!!! Parker is here and he is so sweet and keeps calling me beautiful!! Ahh!! Tomorrow I know we are going to have to go our separate ways and it won't be easy with him living in New York and me in Illinois but I really want to see him again!!!!!!! Some man I haven't seen before just walked into the hotel room and said, "Almost ready to call it a night Park? Oh I see you met your cousin..." COUSIN????????????????????? 

12:30 am

So apparently all this time Parker was my second cousin??????!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought he said he was the cousin of the GROOM but apparently he said he was the cousin of Blume who is my mom's cousin making him my second cousin?????? I can't believe I KISSED MY COUSIN!!!!!!!! 

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