Chapter 34: Tugged Into the Unknown

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» [ Into the Unknown - Evetty, Iker Plan ] «

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───── ❝ R U B Y F R I D A Y ' S P O V ❞ ────

║ Gregorian Calendar ║ 01 - 18 - 2027 ║

║ Monday║ Class Day║

"Damn it," Muttering a silent curse within my hitching breath I eternally screamed within myself that I should have known someone would take the bait for my turn in the game. 

Now, the repercussions of my dark game had come for me, as it was also wrapped in that bloodstained bandage on Killian's pinkie fingers.

I know at once that he is the one who suffered my dare, the one I never thought he would accept. Regret washes over me as I realize the pain I must have caused him, the scars I have left, both visible and invisible. 

He stops a few feet away, his expression unreadable yet his eyes revealing a hint of misery. The silence stretches between us, thick with tension. 

I open my mouth to speak, as if to apologize, but the words die on my lips as he turns and walks away, vanishing once more into the trees, leaving me alone with my unknown guilt. 

What good are apologies now in the face of what has been done? I asked myself but I far then the answer. 

The damage has been inflicted, the wounds cut too deep. All I can do is stand there, drowning in my own darkness as Killian walks away, leaving me alone with my foolish choice in that night of game, and the heavy weight of regret.

An ache forms in my chest as I watch him go. 

Darkness swirls around me, mirroring the gloom settling within. Questions plague my mind, whispers of what I could have done differently.

My foolishness had hurt someone deeply, and no amount of apologies could truly heal the wounds I had inflicted in my quest for entertainment. My mind sink to the cold, damp ground, hollowness filling my chest as the true horror of my actions slowly dawns on me.

The forest seems darker now, the shadows deeper and more menacing, as if reflecting the murky depths of my own soul. I had let the dark side win, if only for a moment, and someone had paid dearly for my lapse in judgment. And worse, it might be Killian.

If my skeptical guess is right, I swear I may never forgive myself.

Yet just then, before the swarm of emotions swallowed me, he returned, stepping out once again into the thick fogs of cold air, our gazes meeting like a destined fate once again. His eyes were like smoldering embers, burning with an intensity that seemed to pierce straight through to my soul. His dark red hair, damp from the mist, fell in tousled strands across his forehead, giving him a roguish look that made my heart race. 

As he walked towards me, I noticed the way his long coat billowed out behind him, accentuating his tall, lean frame. There was a confidence in his stride, a sureness of purpose that was both alluring and intimidating. 

When he did took a stand inches before me, at that time, we stand in silence for a moment. The tension in the air begins to dissipate like the fog, clearing a path forward. I take a tentative step towards him and he mirrors my action. 

My pulse quickened as he dangerously approached, every fiber of my being drawn to him yet wary of the darkness that seemed to follow in his wake. 

Another step and we close the remaining distance between us, an understanding passing wordlessly from his eyes to mine. Our eyes remained locked, his burning gazes into mine, as the fog continued to weave its veil of secrets around us.

I wanted to look away, to break our gaze, but I found myself unable, trapped by his mesmerizing stare. The fog swirled around us, cloaking this chance encounter in an air of mystery. Here in the gray half-light, time seemed to stand still as I gazed upon this man who ignited feelings within me I did not fully understand.

Still, he says nothing, merely watches with those knowing eyes that see straight through to my soul. I cannot decipher the storm of emotions behind his eyes. A part of me hopes he will speak, tell me it will be alright, that we can move past this. But the rational side knows I must earn his forgiveness, if it is even possible. 

I want to explain, to make him understand, but the words catch in my throat. The weight of his gaze bears down on me, heavy with unspoken expectations. 

But, my lips were braver than my mind as it decided to act before me,  "I'm sorry, Killian..." I say, my voice quiet yet sincere, "I never meant to hurt you. I only did what I thought I had —" 

Those words are completed in my mind, but then he cuts me off, turning to face me, his features softening as he bring his bandaged fingers in his lips, as if forming a quiet sign, "Shh..."

His whispers oddly wash over me like a soothing balm, easing the tension that had built up within. He then proceed to study me for a moment, searching my face for any sign of insincerity. Seconds Finding none, the corner of his mouth turns up in the hint of a smile, "I know," he replies, "But, follow me first."

His voice is firm yet gentle, holding no trace of anger or resentment. There is only quiet understanding. 

Without another word, he takes the palm of my hand, turns and begins walking down the darkened hallway, trusting that I will follow. I hesitate only a moment before falling into step behind him, my heart both heavy with remorse yet lighter with the small glimmer of hope his words had ignited within me.

He gestures down a narrow side path through another dorm building, one I had not noticed before. I hesitate, unsure, but something in his eyes reassures me. I fall into step beside him as we walk down the dark, winding lane. 

No streetlamps illuminate our way here, only the faint glow of the moon peeking through gaps in the thick clouds above. 

Killian walks with purpose, his longer strides forcing me to quicken my pace to keep up. I want to ask where we are going, what he intends, but something holds my tongue. 

Instead, I walk in silence, listening to our footsteps echo off the high walls on either side of the alleyway as we make our way, tugged into the unknown.

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