Chapter 71: Pit of Screams

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» [ Pit of Souls - Re Quiemm Beatz ] «

1:13 ──────── 4:33

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───── ❝ R U B Y F R I D A Y ' S P O V ❞ ────

║ Gregorian Calendar ║ 02 - 28 - 2027 ║

║ Sunday║ Third Day of Olympia's Cup║

As the gong signaling the start of the third day of the games sounded, echoing off the damp stone walls and chilling us to our cores, I glanced at my teammates. Within our eyes full of blazing fire, we knew that the previous two days had been nothing short of brutal. The arena had been designed to test us both physically and mentally, with traps, puzzles and opponents seemingly appearing from nowhere. One of the players from the other team had fallen, eliminated after failing to escape from the hell of the second day. As the rest of us watched in horror, we knew there was no escaping this place until one team remained.

But amidst the horror, our team had vowed that night to see it through to the end, no matter the cost. We knew that to win would require sacrifices, both our own and of those who stood in our way. Any trace of mercy or compassion had been stripped away, replaced with a single-minded drive to survive at any cost. As the third day began, we steeled ourselves for what was to come. We had entered this place as teammates, but we would leave as either victors or victims, our humanity long forgotten in the depths of this twisted game.

Serene's jaw was set in grim determination, her voice low and gravelly as she muttered under her breath, "We can do this again, girls..." She stood rigid, feet planted firmly on the ground, hands balling into fists at her sides as she waited for the door to open. An air of grit and resilience surrounded her, ready to face whatever darkness lay ahead once more. It was as if, this was a routine with her by now, an endless cycle of darkness and dread. But she would not back down, she would not yield. Her whole being radiated a fierce will to keep moving forward into the shadows, to confront the evils that lurked there.

Olivia usually spoke softly and calmly, but now her brown eyes narrowed into slits as she surveyed the steel door before them, her tone sharp with warning as she said, "Stay close, we're going through hell again, much worse this time I fear." Her hand reached for the weapon at her belt in a practiced motion, fingers wrapping around the hilt with a sureness born from experience. Her eyes depicts that she had braved horrors before and would do so again, standing resolute beside us, her teammates in this wicked place. Her voice, usually melodious and gentle, now had a metallic edge as she spoke, carrying an undercurrent of dread at what awaited us on the other side of the door. The steel door loomed over us, promising only pain and terror in its shadow, yet Olivia stood firm and determined, ready to face the darkness within so that we might survive another day in this wretched place. It was as if her voice in this certain time became a beacon of hope in our dismal moment, cutting through the gloom.

Beatrice bounced from foot to foot, adrenaline coursing through her body, making her hands clench and unclench rhythmically. Eagerness and anticipation colored her usually cheerful voice as she said eagerly, though a tremor of anxiety laced her words, "Let's go, we will fucking win this day again..." Her whole body seemed to vibrate with pent-up energy, ready to spring into action the moment the door opened as if the thrill of the coming battle battled with nerves within her. She knew with us by her side, darkness would fall before our onslaught. And though shadows of doubt lingered in her mind, whispers of past failures that threatened to dampen her spirit. But she pushed those thoughts away, squaring her shoulders and lifting her chin high.

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