Chapter 53: Together

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» [ Hands Together - Slow Rising Hope ] «

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───── ❝ R U B Y F R I D A Y ' S P O V ❞ ────

║ Gregorian Calendar ║ 02 - 24 - 2027 ║

║ Wednesday║ (D - 2) Before the Commencement of Olympia's Cup║

"Shit, shit, shit. . I mutter as I walk out of the archery room in a daze, my mind reeling with the horrific sight I just witnessed - the lifeless body of that student lies sprawled on the floor, his eyes staring blankly at nothingness as an arrow protrudes from his bloodstained chest. Crimson liquid pools around his motionless form, soaking into his clothes and staining the wooden floorboards.

My hands tremble uncontrollably as the scene plays over and over in my mind. I imagine the sickening thud of the arrow hitting flesh, the choked gasps he did as he clutched at the protruding shaft in disbelief in that moment of his death. Perhaps, that's how it got hell for him.

Yet, now all that remains in that room was a corpse, a senseless waste of life cut brutally short. A wave of anxiety washes over me, but I force it down.

I tried to tell myself it was just my imagination, that same old paranoia rearing its ugly head again. But, no matter what I do or think, it still leads to the same scenes I had been trying to whisk off my mind.

I staggered away from the archery shed, the metallic scent of fresh blood filling my nostrils. I stumble out into the corridor, my footsteps echoing hollowly. I try to steady my ragged breathing, to act natural, but my heart pounds frantically against my ribs, as that image is burned into my memory now, seared into my psyche. I doubt I'll ever truly escape it.

I just can't believe it. The arrow had pierced his heart, ending his existence with ruthless efficiency. His life had been snatched away in an instant. Now he was gone, taken by an act of violence I could not comprehend.

Who could commit such an evil act so ruthlessly, snuffing out an innocent life without mercy or hesitation?

What darkness must lurk in their heart to find joy in another's suffering?

Hell knows how I fucking wanted to scream, yet I had no choice but to just trudged and backed away, my trembling hands laced over my mouth to muffle a scream. I felt utterly alone, desperately wanting someone to comfort me, to tell me it would all be okay. But on that dark, terrifying cocktail hour, no reassurance came.

The warmness of the approaching sunset had fallen like a blanket, covering the school grounds. Curling up in the corner, I prayed it had all been a nightmare, some sick figment of my imagination. But I knew, deep down, the horror was all too real. The image seared into my mind, never to fade. That sight had changed me, forever marking my soul with its indelible stain of evil.

My legs felt weak but I ran, I ran as fast as I could, even though my legs were trembling beneath me. Out of the archery shed I fled, dashing across the damp grass and pavement. My breath came in ragged gasps, but I did not stop.

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