Chapter 73: Blazing Fire

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» [ Safe and Sound - Taylor Swift ] «

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───── ❝ R U B Y F R I D A Y ' S P O V ❞ ────

║ Gregorian Calendar ║ 02 - 28 - 2027 ║

║ Sunday║ Third Day of Olympia's Cup║

The rickety rope bridge swayed precariously, stretching across the chasm's gaping maw. The wooden slats were worn and weathered, barely wide enough for one person to stand upon.

I spoke up first, my voice wavering as I warned cautiously onto the bridge, grasping the side ropes for support. My tone was anxious and unsettled. "This bridge is barely wide enough for one person. So, one of our tactics is that we must cross in single file,"

Beatrice responded nervously from the shore, peering at the dilapidated bridge with trepidation evident in her quavering voice. "How do we know it will hold our weight?"

Serene replied grimly in a matter-of-fact yet ominous tone, her voice betraying no fear but rather cold resolve. "We don't," she stated plainly. "But we have no choice. Stay close behind each other and move quickly. That's all we can do for now.

Olivia hesitated, peering fearfully into the abyss below. Her voice quivered as she spoke, filled with anxiety and trepidation, "I'm not sure if I can do this, girls. I have fear of heights, a terrible one..."

I kept my tone steady, attempting to project reassurance, "You can, Olivia," I said. "We'll help each other, right? One step at a time..." My voice, though confident, echoed eerily into the vast space, swallowed by the shadows surrounding us.

Olivia took a shaky breath, her eyes still fixed on the chasm underneath the rickety bridge, "But what if I fall? What if the bridge collapses?" she asked, her voice rising with panic.

"Then we will fall too, then... 'cause we're all in this together. We must cross this bridge together," I replied firmly, "Focus on putting one foot in front of the other. We'll be right beside each other the whole time," I tried my best to sound calm and reassuring for her sake, though my own voice betrayed my nerves. My words were meant to comfort, but they felt hollow even to my own ears as we stood before the treacherous bridge spanning the darkness below.

Olivia fell silent for a moment, then nodded slowly, "Okay," she said, her voice barely louder than a whisper. "Let's go, then..."

And so with her words as our starting shot, I stepped onto the bridge first, the others following close behind. The bridge shuddered with each step, the flames dancing wildly below. With slow, heavy steps I began to cross, the bridge shaking more violently with each footfall. I could feel the heat of the inferno below, the bridge beginning to splinter.

The bridge swayed again as I took another step. Wood planks groaned in complaint, but I focused straight ahead, trying not to think about how far the drop was below. With trembling hands, I motioned for the others to follow. Serene stepped onto the bridge tentatively, testing each plank before putting her full weight on it.

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