Chapter 38: The Olympia's Cup

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» [Olympia - Tom Hillock ] «

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───── ❝ R U B Y F R I D A Y ' S P O V ❞ ────

║ Gregorian Calendar ║ 01 - 20 - 2027 ║

║ Wednesday║ Class Day║

"Attention to all students of Rozbite Lustro Institution, this is your headmistress Miss Rose, speaking. I request that you all proceed immediately in an orderly manner to the school's front yard. Teachers are to accompany their classes and ensure that all students are accounted for. Those of you still within the school buildings are to make your way in silence to the nearest exit and join your classmates outside. Do not dawdle, do not stop to collect belongings, and do not stray from your teachers. Any student who fails to report to the front yard in the next five minutes will face severe consequences..."

I was immediately heightened and alerted when the headmistress's voice boomed from the speakers, an uncharacteristic stern edge now lacing her usually calm tone. The hairs on my neck stood up as her words reverberated through the empty corridors. 

I was about to shrug her incessant calls off, focusing once more on solving the cipher work our professor had assigned, but when the ominous tolling of the school bell rang out, its deep notes demanding our attention, I had no other choice but to stop, setting down my pen with reluctance and a sense of foreboding. 

"I repeat, all students and teachers are required to report to the front yard without delay. Once assembled, you are all to stand in orderly lines according to your form of houses. There will be no talking, no pushing or shoving. Anyone who disrupts the silence or orderliness of the assembly will be removed at once. Those who are absent will be tracked down and retrieved by the cameras and teachers..."

"What's with the haste? Fuck, I'm still trying my ass cracking ciphers here. Is there no other time?"

"This again? I'm seriously sick of all this shits,"

"Bet something odd's gonna happen again after this assembly,"

Murmurs rose from my side, as we heard the announcement. And, for the first time ever, now is the only time I can agree with my classmates, that's something unusual is ahead after the gathering. It can't be helped as something was gravely amiss for the headmistress to address us with such urgency and severity.

"You are not to question this assembly, you are simply to obey without hesitation or complaint. That is all for now. I expect to see the entire student body present and silent in the front yard within five minutes. You have your instructions. Proceed at once,"

With the vivid urgency, a deathly hush had fallen over the classroom as we all followed the Ms. Rose words intently for clues as to what sinister event had occurred to warrant this unscheduled assembly.

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