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Sunoo woke up, feeling the morning awaken him mentally. He was still half-lidded, blinking continuously while staring at his phone screen. As soon as he pressed the home button, the light shone through the entire room, blinding the boy who was on the verge of throwing his phone across the room.

'This shit always happens at the most ungodly hour of the day. WHY IS IT SO BRIGHT?!' He thought. He shuffled on his bed, the warm sheets engulfing him into yet another comforting embrace.

He didn't wanna wake up, of course. But the amount of absences he has received is crucial for the rest of his school year—most notably, his graduation. He doesn't want to repeat the same year of hell once again. All he had to do was get a few claps and a paper congratulating him for the 12 years of hard work. And now he's in college, repeating the same cycle once again.

'Bullshit.' But you gotta do what you gotta do. Sunoo whined frustratingly, kicking his feet off the bed. He ran a hand through his disheveled but soft hair and sighed in exasperation.

After taking a shower and preparing for another day in hell, Sunoo grabbed an apple from the kitchen. His parents were asleep due to late night working. He didn't wanna disturb them, so he never bothered waking them up in the morning.

He stepped outside the house, making sure to lock the door shut, and started walking to the nearest bus stop, while eating the last bite of the apple—his usual route took around 5-6 minutes.

While walking, he opened his phone and was bombarded with messages from Riki, basically spamming 'hi' all along. 'This kid...'

Sunoo opened his messages and sighed in disbelief.


Sunooo hyunghlgh

Answer me








Kim sunoo, u asshole
Answer me rn


Why are you being so annoying at 6 in the fucking morning 🙄

Look who finally woke up from the dead

You're fucking late
Check the time 

Sunoo's gaze traveled above the screen and his eyes widened in shock. He clicked his phone off, making a run to catch the last bus leaving for school. That was his only last hope for this year in hell.

'How could this be possible, I thought I had leisure time left—plenty of it.' He tightly clenched the straps of his bag hanging on his shoulder to avoid dropping it.

When he finally reached the bus stop, the bus had already left. 'Well fuck.' He panted heavily, struggling to catch his breath. He ran a hand through his sweaty hair, disheveled. He looked like a mess, and he honestly didn't give a fuck at this point.

'Should I go back home? Or maybe I could walk to school?' He opened his phone to see how long it would take him to walk to the school from his current location. '23 minutes is not bad. I can miss my first period, fuck that class. The teacher doesn't even like me.'

He plugged in his headphones, taking the fastest and easiest route to school.

There were students skipping school, hanging out with their friends. There were couples and family members walking by the 6 in the morning.

Sunoo had always been an introverted boy. Ever since childhood, he would have difficulties while communicating with others; he would stutter a lot, and sometimes, his words weren't formal enough—or loud enough to be heard clearly. He would always be in his own world, playing with the blocks, painting, and observing the other kids who talked, played with one another while being so lively. He wished for all that. Being the only child was quite boring for him. He wouldn't have anyone to talk about how his day went or how many people he talked to.

But Sunoo was a sweet boy, with his one and only best friend, Nishimura Riki, the only kid who approached him back in 3rd grade.

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