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The pain of guilt enclosed Riki's body as he faced Sunoo every day. Although he didn't want to acknowledge his doings that night, he had no choice but to move on since the older couldn't recall anything.

But it was different for Sunoo; he would constantly get unknown dreams, foreshadowing Riki's behaviors along with his. He would dream about him getting fucked by his best friend. And the most confusing thing that he couldn't decipher from reality was the fact that they seemingly felt too real. It felt like the dream was a past memory, replaying over and over again like a tape inside his head— signifying something Sunoo couldn't remember.

He ignored it. His head was always filled with unnecessary delusions, circulating back and forth about Riki, so it was considerably normal.

Sunoo trodded to the taller who was busy putting a few books inside his locker, facing away from the large crowd swarming by in the hallway. "Boo!" He hugged him from the back, startling the younger. "What the fuck— Kim Sunoo, really?" Riki sulked, peering down at the notebooks lying on the floor. "Because of you, I dropped my notes, and now I have to rearrange them..."

"You do that to me all the time, you tall dumbass." Sunoo pulled his arms away from the taller's waist and pouted, jutting his lips. "N-no, I'm not talking about the hug, I meant the sudden 'Boo." Riki held his wrist, looking down at him with sparks inside his eyes. His eyes were shiny and they stared right into Sunoo's with such despair. "You can still hug me though..." Riki whispered, looking away and picking his notebooks from the floor. Sunoo stood there in disbelief, heart pooling from his fondness for the younger. A smile found its place in his mouth and he turned Riki to face him.

"Since when did you become so cute, hmm?" He asked, intertwining their fingers. "The Nishimura Riki I knew was so mean— so shy, so.... Reserved... but look at you now. Is the Sunoo effect finally hitting you?" He smirked, swinging their arms together. Riki gulped, eyes traveling to their hands and the crowded hallway. He was scared someone would notice and humiliate them again— like in middle school, so he pulled his wrist away, pacing away from the older, who stood there shocked. He hastily grabbed his books from his locker and ran behind the taller who seemed frustrated.

Sunoo felt as if Riki feared being close to him; just like in middle school, when Sunoo gained the courage to stand up for him. And suddenly, Sunoo felt distant for an odd reason. He abruptly halted, staring at the tall silhouette emerging within the crowd.

"Sunoo hyung? Are you alright?"

Sunoo turned around and faced Jungwon who stood there, with his bag hanging off his shoulders. "I saw Riki run away from you... is everything alright?"

Sunoo simply smiled and decided to say quietly. "I'm fine. And Riki's just going to his class. You need something?"

"Oh, not much... but some romance advice. Could you help me out?" Jungwon stared at Sunoo with a hopeful glint in his eyes. Sunoo chuckled and nodded. Ironically, Sunoo has never been in a relationship before, but he was always the best at giving advice.

They entered the classroom, and Sunoo's eyes immediately traveled to his best friend who was sitting at his usual desk, scrolling through his phone, not minding his surroundings.

"So? Is it about Jay?" Sunoo asked as they placed their bags on the floor. "How'd you know? Is it that obvious?" Jungwon's eyes widened as he stared at Sunoo in shock.

"It's so obvious— I think Jay probably knows too, and in my opinion, I think he seems to like you as well..."

Jungwon sat there, swimming through his pool of thoughts. Sunoo smiled, and his eyes darted to the taller's seat. Riki sat there, hands crossed over his chest— and it seemed as if he was glaring at Sunoo. He eyed him up and down and scoffed purposely.

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