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It was nighttime, the bedroom was dark and the two boys were deep into slumber after the past event. It was awkward, and they couldn't stand it— both were exhausted from ramming into one another, so they decided to sleep the tension off.

Riki's eyes flickered open as he sat up, rubbing his face in confusion. He noticed the other's presence and a thin smile curved on his lips. He decided to let the older one sleep and headed out to the kitchen to prepare something to eat.

The entire house was dark because not a single soul was present. He flicked the light switch on, and the sudden brightness flashed through his eyes. Heaving a deep sigh, he made some ramen, pairing it with some side dishes.

Sunoo finally woke up to the smell of fresh food calling out to him; his hunger took the best of him and he immediately stood up, rushing outside to see the delicious food calling his name. That's when he saw Riki cooking ramen, his bare back facing him. Sunoo blushed and turned away to avoid looking stupid.

"You're up so early? I thought you'd sleep a little more." Riki spoke up after stirring the pot full of ramen. He slowly approached the older who backed away and hit the wall.

"Yeah. I-I— the food. I was hungry." He chuckled dryly, tearing his gaze away from the tall male's abs displayed in front of him. "I figured. It's been a long day..." Riki smirked, placing a hand on Sunoo's nape. "I wasn't expecting things to get heated— but oh well.."

Leaning down, he kissed Sunoo's jawline and earlobe, then walked away, feeling proud. Sunoo blushed and touched the spot where Riki kissed. 'Gosh...' He sighed, covering his face with his palms.

"Wanna eat ramen?" Riki asked, and Sunoo's eyes widened. "YAH! Calm down—" He gasped and cursed under his breath when he noticed Riki holding an actual pot of ramen inside his hands. "Oh... never mind.." He ran away in embarrassment and locked himself in the bathroom.

"Sunoo! Why the fuck would you do that?!" He pulled his hair frustratedly. "I need to calm the fuck down." He shook his hands, slapping his crimson-colored cheeks. "This Riki is not the Riki I knew... what has he been watching these days."

Riki sat by the couch, waiting for the older to join him. He was reminiscing about the past events, feeling embarrassed all of a sudden when he remembered himself moaning. He always thought having sex with someone was embarrassing; the thought of being naked in front of someone— producing those weird moaning noises— whimpering and saying some cringy shit. Yeah, he never imagined himself doing so— but he has done it. Twice. With his best friend.

His focus shifted to the boy walking up to the coffee table shyly. He was wearing a tank top with knee-length shorts. Taking a seat beside him, he quietly dug into his ramen, not sparing a glance at the boy beside him, who was boring his gaze at Sunoo.

This was the first ever time both males felt awkward with each other. I mean what do you expect—- they fucked.

"Sunoo... a-are you alright?"


Riki sighed, slamming his chopsticks down on the table. "We need to talk. Right now!" He pulled Sunoo to face him.

"We fucked. Okay?! And that's normal. We both like each other. So why are you hesitating now?" He intertwined their fingers, reading Sunoo's face. "I know... it's just... I feel nervous.."

"What do you mean?"

"I... I keep thinking about Seon. All the things he did to me... I kept thinking about him while kissing you. It– it's so scary." Riki froze, pulling the older into a warm hug. "It's okay, hyung. He's not here anymore."

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