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Riki unlocked the house door, and stepped inside the house, throwing his shoes across the floor. Sunoo followed behind, he ran past Riki and stopped in front of the fridge. Riki's fridge would always be restocked with various types of foods that Sunoo would love to steal. It was a privilege that he wished to have.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Riki asked after throwing his body on the leather couch. He faced Sunoo only to see him digging through his fridge like a raccoon, again. "Just grab whatever and come on. I'm tired as fuck," he grumbled, heaving a heavy sigh. Sunoo decided to gobble on the ice cream tub— strawberry sorbet to be exact.

"Ice cream?" Sunoo faced Riki and smiled, displaying the ice cream tub inside his hand. "It's... strawberry sherbet. Want it?"

"Yeah, whatever." Riki rolled his eyes and sat up. He slid his bag across the living room and unbuttoned his t-shirt. "Oh yeah. I have your shirts inside my room. Come." Riki stood up ad gestured for the older one to follow. "They're washed..."

Instead of following Riki, Sunoo sat on the couch and waited for the younger to get back with his shirt. "Bring it here," he shouted. He reached out to grab the remote from the table and turned the TV on. He scrolled through Netflix while waiting for Riki.

Riki rummaged through the basket to find his friend's shirt and he found a purple crop top. 'Eh, whatever.' He pulled his shirt off and decided to wear a black tank top with his boxers.

"Here, you lazy ass." He threw the shirt at Sunoo and plopped beside the older one on the couch. Sunoo muttered a small 'thanks', and was about to head to the bathroom to change, but was stopped by a hand. "Why are you changing your shirt in the bathroom? Change here." Riki bluntly spoke. It was pretty normal for the boys to sometimes change in front of each other, but to be honest, they both secretly liked gawking at the other's body a few times.

"Oh—um. Sure.." Sunoo smiled nervously and pulled his long-sleeved, black shirt off. Riki peeked through his peripheral vision, admiring the older's broad shoulder and thin waist. Oh how much he would love to hold him down and kiss his neck. Puberty transformed the bowl-cut, chubby, cute boy into something completely different than before. He was considerably more sexy and had quite a mature, but still cute face.

Sunoo quickly changed his shirt and wore the purple crop top without hesitation. Although he was facing away from the taller, he could feel his gaze travel all over his body. It sent chills down his spine.

"Go to my profile. I have many movies saved in my list." Sunoo smiled and rushed to the bathroom to calm down. These days, Riki was acting bold, and it scared the older a little bit. But to say the least, he was kind of enjoying it as well. The feeling of the taller's gaze, the feeling of being checked out;  it gave him butterflies. He loved the sensation.

He quickly shut the door of the bathroom and looked at the mirror, observing his red face. 'Don't overthink it, Sunoo. He's probably just looking. Nothing big.' He shook his head, slapping his cheeks. 'No way. No fucking way.'

He quickly changed into black shorts and headed out of the bathroom acting as if nothing had happened. "So, did you choose something yet?" He sat on the couch beside Riki, whose back was leaning on the armrest, while his legs were sprawled on the couch. He dragged one of his legs off the couch and rested it on the gray fur carpet. Sunoo glanced at the older in the dark and scooted closer, in between his legs. Sunoo's back was leaning on the couch, while he had his arms wrapped around his knees. Riki's gaze lingered on Sunoo's thighs for a few seconds, but he turned his gaze away and focused on the TV. "No, not really. But you do have a lot of BL shows here..." Riki smirked. Sunoo's face flushed once again, and he found himself speechless.

"I-it's nothing..I saw some good ones and decided to try em' out.." He chuckled nervously while snatching the remote away from the younger. "We should try one out. I've been seeing many on TikTok for a while. Let's see what all the hype is about." Riki suggested, pulling the remote away from the latter's hand. Sunoo stayed quiet. He knew that the younger knew about his sexuality, but they never really talked about it much—although Sunoo wasn't so sure about Riki's sexuality.

After the movie started playing, both males got absorbed and drifted their attention from each other to the movie. It was actually good. It was an enemy to lover's BL— you know the super cliche plot and storyline. Sunoo opened the ice cream and started eating the ice cream, sharing some with Riki using the same spoon. While Sunoo was absent-mindedly watching the movie, Riki's eyes were glued on the older. Sunoo scooped some ice cream out and sucked on the spoon. Riki watched as Sunoo used his tongue to lick some excess ice cream off the spoon and sucked on the spoon gently. It turned Riki on. Sunoo's eyes finally peeled away from the TV and landed on the younger's. He furrowed his eyebrows and looked at the younger in perplexion. "You wanna eat some?" He pointed the spoon toward the younger, and the latter snatched the spoon from his hand. "S-sure."

Sunoo tilted his head, and handed him the tub, shifting his attention back to the movie. Riki smiled, and instead of scooping some ice cream from the tub, he sucked on the spoon Sunoo used. The taste of the strawberry along with the taste of Sunoo's saliva melted on his tongue and he smiled while resting the spoon inside his mouth.

Sunoo's legs were getting numb for sitting in the same position for minutes so he decided to lean back onto Riki's back and spread his legs across the couch. "Can I rest my back on you? My legs feel stuck." Sunoo asked while turning his head slightly to face the younger, whose face was just inches away from his. He could feel his breath on his neck, but he acted calm—since it was always really comforting. Riki hummed in response and melted into Sunoo's body warmth. He had one of his hands placed on his thigh which was resting on the couch, while the other was resting on the armrest, supporting his head weight. Sunoo snuggled himself between Riki's legs and continued watching the movie.

After a while of watching the movie, the kissing scene showed up. Basically, both of the boys were arguing with each other over something utterly stupid, when one of the males tripped and grabbed the other's shirt, pulling him along and falling on the floor underneath them. Both the males stared at each other when one of them started leaning and they started kissing—that kiss soon led to both males making out with one other—quite aggressively. The lewd noises of making out–moans and gasps filled the living room.

Both of the boys sitting inside the living room felt their bodies burning up. What made it even worse was the fact that Sunoo's back was pressing against Riki's area and he felt something happening. He bit his lips to stop himself from doing something. Now the males inside the movie were fucking each other, and Sunoo felt hot. He felt Riki's hand slowly travel up to his thigh, stroking it gently.

"Do you know how it feels to kiss?" Sunoo asked. He was interested because he has never kissed anyone throughout his 20 years of existence. "No...I've never kissed anyone before. Why?" Riki responded. "I don't know...I kinda wanna know how it feels to kiss..y'know..?"

Riki paused for a few seconds, while the movie was still displaying one of the boys ramming into the other.

"Do you wanna try it?" 

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