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The last class of the day came to an end as Sunoo sighed in relief, getting ready to pack and leave. The classroom was filled with the loud chatters of the students, scurrying around and chit-chatting with their friends. Since Sunoo had his last class alone, he would have to wait for Riki to meet him outside the school by the entrance.

After he was done packing, he walked out of the class, and the wave of the students hit him right in the chest. 'Oh yeah. It's the festival week...' He stumbled his way across the crowd and finally stepped outside the massive building, breathing in the soothing air flowing. Although the sun was about to set in a few hours, the sky was still colored light blue with clouds; it didn't seem as if it was going to rain.

He felt his phone vibrate inside his blazer pocket. ' Guess it must be Riki.' He fished his phone out of his pocket, but to his surprise, it was a random number. It took him a few seconds to realize who the unknown number belonged to. 'Ah! It's Jungwon!'

Yang Jungwon
- Hello! This is Jungwon from the Com-class!
When do you think is the best time to meet up and work on the project?


h hey! Uh, do you want to meet up today?

Yang Jungwon
- That works, but if you're busy then
We can work on it tomorrow at my
Place. ^^

Okay! I'll see you in class tomorrow anyway.
We can discuss our plans more comfortably.

Yang Jungwon
- Alright! I'll see you tomorrow then, Sunoo :)

Sunoo smiled at the repl and was about to reply back when he heard faint footsteps. He directed his attention from the phone screen and saw Riki trudging up to him.

"Well, someone looks dead. The fuck happened to you?" Sunoo asked when he saw Riki's sullen face. "Nothing...my fucking teacher decided to assign me as one of the volunteers for the upcoming festival. He said I was tall enough to hang shit on the walls and decorate the place." Riki answered. He saw Sunoo tightly clasping onto his bag's strap, so he decided to hold it for him. "Gimme that. It'll fall anytime and then you'll be crying about your broken laptop." Sunoo smiled, and felt his cheeks burn slightly.

Riki was so kind to him ever since he had met him. Although he seemed to be very reserved during childhood- he looked quite intimidating even as a child, but when Sunoo saw him getting beaten up by a bunch of deliquents, he mustered up all his courage and approached the younger. He saved the beaten boy from the bullies and even treated his wounds while sitting by the school garden. That was the first ever moment Sunoo felt connected to someone; Riki was his first ever friend, and still is to this day. He is very precious to him, and he feels the safest when he's around him.

They walked back to the bus station where they would have to wait for the bus to arrive-which usually takes around 5-10 minutes to arrive. Sunoo sat at one of the benches, while Riki leaned on the pole beside him.
"My parents seem kinda off these days..." Sunoo randomly spoke up, catching Riki's attention. He faced him and knitted his brows together in confusion. "I think they're going to divorce- I don't know, honestly. I might be wrong..." Riki hummed in response. "I don't think my parents even care. My mom is the only person with dignity in the household, but my dad isn't really doing much these days-not like the days before." Riki spoke up. He felt at ease with Sunoo, and they both have known each other for years, so it was pretty obvious that both knew quite a lot about each other. They talked for a few minutes but paused when they saw the flashing lights of the bus approaching them from afar. "Shit...I didn't know it'd be this crowded.." Sunoo mumbled, standing up with Riki following behind him.

"Isn't it like this every day?" He muttered under his breath and scooted closer to Sunoo. "Stay close to me. These people are pretty sick these days. I think there's a drunk man inside." Riki stood behind Sunoo and leaned in to whisper. Sunoo felt hot all of a sudden. 'Not the time, you idiot.' Sunoo mentally facepalmed himself and gulped anxiously. He mumbled a 'okay' and stepped inside the bus when the driver opened the sliding doors. He slightly bowed, paying with the card and felt his face scrunch upon the sight of the crowd holding onto the poles for dear life.

After skimming through the crowd, Riki pulled Sunoo closer to him and stood behind him, grabbing the shelf built for holding large items. Sunoo's back was being pressed against Riki's chest, and his heart was going crazy. It felt as if Riki was pinning him to the wall. Crazy. 'Why am I being so delusional right now?' Sunoo closed his eyes and glanced down at the lady sleeping. His face was red, and he was scared, thinking what would happen if the lady saw him blushing.

The sudden swerve of the bus caused Sunoo to lean closer to Riki. Riki smirked and placed one of his hands on Sunoo's waist to keep him steady. Although Riki was enjoying all this, he was very nervous. His heart was thundering inside his chest. He felt someone push him from the behind, leading him to lean closer to Sunoo-moreover- his 'area'.

Riki went through a whole panic attack. He had to calm down, and he couldn't be getting into a situation like this-especially in public. Sunoo, on the other hand, knew something was off. But the entire ride was very awkward, and they swore to the god they would never ever ride this bus ever again.

♡ I hope this gets more recognition ^^

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