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When Sunoo finally reached the school, he unplugged his headphones and messaged Riki. He was late once again, but it's not like the teacher cared much about the boy. He stepped inside the building and stood in front of his locker, patiently waiting for the tall boy to appear. As he was waiting, he saw different pairs of eyes staring at him while walking, and the feeling of being stuck crept over him once again. He felt so insecure once again, so anxious. So he turned his attention away from the piercing glances.

"Hey Sun. Took you long enough." He heard Riki's voice inching closer, so he turned off his cellphone and smiled softly. "I went to bed late last night, you asshole." He rolled his playfully and started walking away, Riki following behind him. Riki chuckled playfully, but he sensed something off about the older. He decided to stay quiet.

When they reached their classroom, Sunoo situated himself on his seat and glanced at Riki, who seemed to be glued to his phone for some reason. "Hey, the teacher was pissed today. You're lucky you weren't there." He spoke up after sitting beside the shorter one. "What did he do?" Sunoo asked. "I think his side-chick cheated on him— no slept with one of his friends; the rumor has been going around for a while, so I guess the teacher is frustrated. He assigned us so much work to do—only the ones who were present were supposed to do it though, so you're lucky." Riki briefly explained. Sunoo hummed while glancing at the front of the classroom, a pout forming on his lips, which didn't go unnoticed by the taller one. He wanted to kiss Sunoo. He wanted to feel his lips colliding with his pink, plump lips; he was always curious about the taste of Sunoo's lips.

The loud voice of the teacher entering inside the classroom shook the dazed boy out of his trance. Sunoo glanced at Riki for a second, a smile curved on his lips. He knew Riki was staring at his lips, but he decided to stay quiet.

"Alright! So, I'm pretty sure everyone knows about the upcoming festivals— and whatever— but before you all get a little too excited, I will be assigning a project. Don't— don't you dare complain, yall have been slacking off these days. This is your one and only chance to bring your desperate grade up. It's up to you whether or not you wanna do it." The professor smile meekily, and folded his arms above his chest. "Yeah, as expected, everyone is failing. Am I right?" He shook his head in disbelief as he picked a sheet of paper, reading through it.

Sunoo groaned in irritation. "This is going to be so awkward. I hope I get to be partnered with you—you're the only person I know in this entire classroom."

Riki smiled unknowingly, watching Sunoo whine like a child was the cutest thing ever, so he always enjoyed it. "What? Why're you laughing at such a drastic situation? I'm serious, I–" His voice was interrupted due to the professor clearing his throat and speaking up.

"Okay, these are the partners. Don't complain, this is an opportunity to get to know each other." He sighed, glancing at the classroom before gazing down at the paper once again. "Sua partnered with Juyeon. Taebin and Wooyoung. Jia with Suho..." The list continued on. Riki and Sunoo grew impatient as loud groans could be heard from the classroom. Guess it wasn't just them.

"Jungwon...and Sunoo.." Sunoo literally malfunctioned for a whole second. He looked around the classroom, having no idea about this dude named Jungwon. His nervous gaze traveled around the classroom, hoping to meet his gaze— and to his surprise, he caught the gaze of a cute boy, with boba eyes also looking around the classroom. They both smiled at each other and looked away. 'Well, that was very awkward–I hope he isn't my partner.'


There he was, sitting beside Jungwon, who smiled awkwardly. Well, guess, both the males were quite awkward with one another.

Riki was partnered with this one girl who seemed nice, but she was odd. He didn't like her. At all. 'Gosh, I hate this.' While the girl was scrolling through her phone, his eyes seemingly traveled around the classroom and he spot Sunoo writing down something on the sheet of paper. He looked at the male sitting beside him, and saw him staring at Sunoo's face. He hated it. He glared at the male who was 'admiring' his best friend. 'They just met. Why is he already gushing over him?' He rolled his eyes and when he looked to his side, he saw his partner judging him for no reason; it was quite obvious why, actually.

The professor explained the directions and left the classroom for the students to discuss and interpret the topic more comfortably. Well, that's what he thought would happen. As soon as the professor stepped out of the classroom, the entire class broke into chaos as everyone complained and whined like little children—well, some didn't but it was pretty obvious that everyone was fed up with everything.

"Hey, I'm Jungwon. Yang Jungwon." He showed his hand, and Sunoo shook it awkwardly. "Nice to meet you, I'm Kim Sunoo." He anxiously chuckled after pulling his hand away. "Do you know what to do? I have no idea.." Jungwon smiled while watching Sunoo think deeply. "I actually don't know haha...but I think we were supposed to choose from various topics and do some research on them— then connect them to one of the world's problems right now." Sunoo moved a strand of hair away from his eyes before facing Jungwon.

"And here I thought you didn't know anything. Actually, it must be very awkward for you since you're always with that guy—your friend, I assume, but as an introvert myself, I understand you completely, so don't feel so tense around me." Jungwon initiated the conversation after noticing how tense Sunoo was around him. Sunoo was taken back. It felt nice knowing how someone finally understood him.

"Okay! I hope we can be good friends from now on." 

Hello! I have kinda changed the plot of the story that I had in my mind before. This time, I hope I can update more often considering that my laptop is broken and slow as fuck--- nut anyways, I hope you continue reading. 

also btw, this is probably going to be a short story, with like maybe 10--13 chapters. I hope you continue reading when I update. 

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