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After school was over, Sunoo scurried through the large crowd of people filling the corridors and panted when he inhaled the fresh scent of cherry blossom. The sun wasn't as bright anymore— the chance of rain was still possible, so just in case, Sunoo sat on one of the benches under the shade outside the university. He texted Jungwon, and the latter responded quickly, saying he'll be a little late due to some of his club emergencies. Sunoo understood and replied with an 'alright.'

As he was waiting, the playback of the night was replayed inside his head. Of course, it would linger inside his head throughout the day, but he tried distracting himself and focused on his lesson. He was caught off guard— and was left very confused when his best friend asked him to kiss.

– Flashback –

"Do you wanna try it?"

It was a very simple question, yet it led Sunoo to stop functioning for a whole 5 seconds and think about his existence. Okay, that was exaggerated— but Sunoo was left confused when the taller asked him the question.

Sunoo was facing him while his back was pressed against Riki's chest. He could feel the rhythm of his heartbeat. He felt each and every beat pump faster. 'So he's nervous now?' Sunoo pondered. He gulped. Both males just simply stared into each other's eyes, nervous to move an inch. Anything— anything could go wrong at this moment. Sunoo knew Riki was clearly turned on. In fact, he could feel his boner pushing against his back.

"Huh?" Was all Sunoo uttered. Riki's breath was stuck inside his throat. He was about to say something when they heard a loud moan sing from the TV screen. Riki bit his lips while staring into Sunoo's eyes. Sunoo clenched his fist and forced himself to look away. That was painful.

The tension; it all felt unreal for a few seconds— they were really about to kiss. Well, at least Riki was. Sunoo's glistening lips stained with some ice cream pulling him in. The butterflies inside his stomach were going wild— doing backflips, crouching, crying, and wailing. So when he felt Sunoo's warmth fade away, he was disappointed. Really disappointed, and Sunoo caught onto his facial expression pretty quick.

"I-I'm kinda tired. We should sleep." Riki mumbled after covering his boner with his hands. He didn't want Sunoo to see— but the latter already knew what the younger was thinking. Sunoo wanted to lay him in bed and leave trails of love all over him. Kiss him till he falls asleep, safe under his warmth.

"I'll shower." Sunoo thanked the author for not making him stutter because he was really about to lose it. He was about to go crazy for the taller. He ran to the bathroom once again and locked the door shut, heaving slowly. He took his boxers off and switched on the exhaust fan to cover his soft moans. He ran a hand through his hair before rubbing his hands inside his boxers. He arched his back against the sink— feeling goosebumps over his body due to the sudden cold feeling. He bit his lips tightly shut to avoid moaning, but the image of Riki ramming inside of him like in the movie played inside his head. He closed his eyes and picked up the speed of his hands, knees feeling weak as he was doing so.

After masturbating for a while— he felt the warm substance over his slim fingers. He sighed in pleasure and washed his hands, dragging his body inside the cold shower.


"Hi Sunoo hyung!" He flinched when he heard the sudden voice appearing behind him, scaring the shit out of him. He pulled him out of his trance and smiled at the older. "Ready to go?" Jungwon smiled, waiting for the older to follow along. Sunoo plastered a fake smile to cover his blushing cheeks. "Sure." He replied, standing up and dusting off his clothes as a habit since childhood.

They walked and chatted for a bit until they reached the parking lot where Jungwon showed him his car. "Damn, you're rich." Sunoo mumbled, staring at the car in front of him: a Bugatti Veyron. Jungwon chuckled lightly, shaking his head in response. "It's not mine. A friend of mine let me drive it. He has many more, but he's traveling at the moment." Jungwon spoke as he opened the passenger door for Sunoo. "I think I told you about him." He said as he gently closed the door and situated himself inside the luxurious car. "Jay?" Sunoo asked, unsure. He recalled hearing the name Jay somewhere. "Yep! He's a rich brat— but he's still nice." Jungwon chuckled after adding the last statement.

While they were driving, they talked about the projects, some movies, and some other things. It wasn't as awkward as Sunoo imagined it to be. Jungwon seemed to be feeling comfortable with him, and he felt glad about it. Since his childhood, kids would never talk to him because Sunoo didn't know what to talk about. There were a few times when he would try, but his attempts to act friendly pushed people away. He had many nicknames during his childhood: Loser, creep, girly, and the one he always hated the most was, 'gay'. People would call him pretty— label him as a woman, call him harsh slurs that he didn't even know about. Although he never hated being called pretty, he hated the fact that people would call him disgusting names that shattered his heart. He thought they were simple mean words, not until he told his mom once. His mom was left astonished— fueled with anger. So she transferred him. That was when he met Riki, someone who seemed to be just like him– but felt as if he was the complete opposite.

They finally reached Jungwon's house. It was a normal looking house, but it seemed cozy enough. "Is this your house?" Sunoo asked as Jungwon clung his backpack over his shoulder. "Yep! I bought it with my own money," he paused and locked his car, clenching on the car keys. "I still pay the rent, though." He chuckled along with Sunoo as they entered inside the cozy house. The interior seemed really comfortable; the living room was small but was also large enough to fit a large gray couch with a small brown coffee table. Right beside the living room was the medium-sized kitchen furnished with white marble countertops and gray cabinets. "Aye, you got a nice kitchen. I wanna have one like that one day— when I am not broke." Sunoo chuckled as he removed his shoes and placed them inside the rack in front of the main door.

"C'mon in!"Jungwon smiled, switching on the lights, and the room instantly lit up, giving it a more modern look. "Wah..." Sunoo jaw was hung open when he saw the pretty LED light and plants hanging on the walls and the roof. It looked really beautiful. "You're so creative..." Sunoo smiled as he lazily sat on the couch– when the sudden memory of the night flashed inside his head again, but he decided to ignore it.

"Alright, let's cook some ramen and work!" Jungwon excitedly ran to his room to change his clothes and bought a shirt along with some sweatpants for Sunoo to wear, but the latter refused. "Oh, it's alright. I'm fine in these. Thanks for the offer, though." Sunoo smiled, feeling a little bad for refusing, but the truth was, he wouldn't wear anyone's clothes other than Riki. He was so used to sharing his clothes and belongings with the younger that he never felt the same comfort in anything else that belonged to somebody other than Riki. He loved his warmth— and his scent, which was favorite; he smelled like vanilla and a bit of coconut, along with the smell of fresh laundry. Yeah, his smell was really confusing, but Sunoo loved it so much that he would sometimes sleep with his shirts to put him at ease.

"Alright! Here's the ramen!" Jungwon bought two bowls of ramen, to which Sunoo's mouth watered. "Damn! That looks fire!" Sunoo's tummy growled upon the smell of the ramen inching closer. "Let's dig in." As they were about to gobble down the noodles, a faint knocked erupted from the main door. Jungwon paused, holding his choptsticks halfway from his mouth and staring at the door in perplexion. He placed down the chopsticks, annoyed and bolted to the door, peeping from the hole.

"Jay hyung?" He swiftly opened the door, and there stood a refined guy– definitely a 100/10— holding a bag of soju. "Oh! You're here, hyung!" Jungwon didn't mind the drinks and jumped up to hug his bestie. Jay blushed and smiled softly.

"Wanna get wasted tonight?" Sunoo and Jungwon both nodded.

"Alright then! It's gonna be fun!" 

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