Chapter 12 ( Epilogue)

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A few months had passed already. It was now summer break, and Sunoo was relaxing on the couch, inside the living room when a sudden presence stood still behind him. The male smiled and acted as if he was asleep, and blushed when he felt a light peck on his cheek.

"Sun, are you really sleeping?" Riki moved back, standing straight up. He smirked and threw his body on the couch beside the older, who was suppressing his smile. "I know you're up~"

He felt Riki's hands crawl up to his waist and pull him closer. Riki rested his head on Sunoo's shoulder for a while, then started leaving butterfly kisses all over the boy. The said boy accidentally whimpered, and Riki chuckled in amusement, finding the boy cute.

"Sun, get your ass up!" Riki smacked the older's thigh and ran off before the older chased him down. He knew he was a fast runner because of his long legs, but Sunoo could easily catch up to him and tackle him— not that he minded.

Sunoo stormed at him and Riki ran to the bedroom flopping on the bed, throwing a fit of laughter. "RIKI-SAN!" He heard a loud yell from the living room, and his stomach was hurting from laughing so much. Sunoo slammed the bedroom open and jumped on the boy laying on the bed, wheezing. "You think this is funny?! The fucking audacity you had— to slap me?! You fucking hyung!" Sunoo sat on Riki's waist while pinning both of his arms on the bed.

"Aw, hyung~ you look so cute right now. You know in one swift movement you'll be under me. Don't mess with me, baby." Sunoo blushed at the nickname and huffed, trying to look intimidating.

"Excuse me?! I am older than you. Just because we're dating doesn't mean you can disregard the honorifics."

Riki stopped smiling and stared at the older with pure glee shining like the constellations inside his eyes. "Sunoo hyung. Can I kiss you again?" Sunoo's grip on Riki's arms loosened, as he felt the butterflies inside his stomach.

He shyly nodded, and Riki smiled, sitting up and placing Sunoo on his lap gently. Riki leaned against the headboard and stared down at the older. Sunoo stared down at Riki's fingers and played with them. He felt a warm hand trail his jaw, clenching it slowly. Riki leaned closer and pecked his nose, before moving his lips down and connecting them again. Sunoo closed his eyes enjoying the feeling of having the younger's lips on his.

It felt like pure euphoria, it was such a sensation that bought both males out of the fickle reality. It was just them, enjoying each other's presence; embracing one another til their last breath. They knew nothing could separate them— they knew they couldn't love anyone other than themselves.

Their lips danced together, slowly, but smoothly. Riki smiled and left small marks on Sunoo's nape, making the older boy whimper upon the touch. Sunoo's arms were resting on Riki's shoulder, tangling his hair. Riki used his hand to tilt Sunoo's head backward and kissed his adams apple with care. He never made the older feel uncomfortable, no matter how heated things got. He always asked the older ones for permission before doing anything.

And that's why Sunoo couldn't help, but fall more Riki deeper and deeper each and every second passing by. He knew he couldn't love anyone the way he loved Riki; he knew nobody could ever love him, the way Riki did.

They loved each other til the rain stopped, and tiny droplets of the rain shower painted the window.

— Now playing: Still With You – By Jungkook

♪ That light voice of yours that brushes past me

Please call my name just one more time

Even though I'm standing still under the frozen glow of the setting sun

I'll walk towards you step by step

Still With You

There isn't a single light in this dark room

I shouldn't get used to this

But it becomes familiar again

The low noise I hear coming from the air conditioner

If I didn't have even this,

I think I'd actually fall apart

Laughing together and crying together

I guess these simple emotions

Were everything to me

When will that day come?

When I meet you again

I want to look you in the eyes and tell you

I missed you

In memories that felt like a trance

Even if I dance alone, it rains, doesn't it?

When the fog clears

I will run to you with drenched feet

Give me a hug then

Because the moon looked lonely

Because it seemed to be crying radiant tears in the night sky

Even though I knew that morning would come eventually

I wanted to stay in your sky like a star

Those days, those moments,

If I had known they would end up like this

I would have gathered and held onto more of them

When will that day come?

When I meet you again

I want to look you in the eyes and tell you

I missed you

In memories that felt like a trance

Even if I dance alone, it rains, doesn't it?

When the fog clears

I will run to you with drenched feet

Give me a hug then

I want to paint the beautiful purple light

Behind the faint smiles that gaze at me

Even though our footsteps might not match

I want to walk this path together with you

Still With You ♪

— Thank you so, so much for reading Still with you. I really appreciated those who read this story till the end. This was a short story for those who didn't know and I hope you enjoyed it.

I'm also currently working on other stories as well, so if you are interested, please go to my account and check em' out! I'll appreciate it a lot since I am trying to boost the stories!

For those who are confused about Jaywon and Heehoon; they did get together in the end ^^


I love you so much, and I hope you never forget to take care of yourself— if you are looking to speak about issues, don't hesitate to reach out. I will gladly help. ♡♡

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