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Sunoo paced inside his classroom, Riki following behind him. He was late, once again. Riki didn't really seem to care much since he didn't mind doing extra work if he needed to. The classroom was quiet, and the professor was busy teaching when the loud twist of the doorknob interrupted the classroom. "Late again, Mr. Kim?" The professor scowled. He sighed and continued teaching. Riki plastered a small smile on his lips and trailed behind the older, who covered his face in embarrassment and ran to his seat, quite literally.

Jungwon saw Sunoo and smiled, pointing to the seat beside him. Sunoo smiled in return and situated himself beside the younger with Riki sitting not too far behind with his partner, who he loathed already.

"I already explained the details of the project yesterday. Everyone- I mean, everyone should have already decided what they're supposed to be doing. You can get started." The teacher plainly spoke, and his lips curved into a small smile. He then proceeded to walk out of the room, and the classroom groaned loudly.

"So, have you decided on our topic?" Jungwon initiated the conversation. "Yes, actually! I researched some topics yesterday and we can go through them and choose the most suitable one that you prefer." Sunoo smiled, concealing nervousness. To be honest, he was very- terrified of Jungwon. He had no idea how to engage in a proper conversation with anybody other than Riki, so the feeling of panic rose inside his chest, but he kept his cool.

While both males were discussing the project, Riki stared at the girl next to him in disbelief. "Do you wanna start now?" He asked, trying not to sound rude- but she was seriously getting on his nerves. Ever since yesterday, a girl named Nabi had been scrolling through her phone, not paying any attention to the boy next to her. "Oh yeah! Of course, sorry. Actually, my boyfriend texted me, he wanted to take me-" She was cut off by Riki speaking up. "Okay, cool. Can we get started on the project now?" He couldn't stand seeing someone else getting close to Sunoo, so he needed a distraction. After a while of working, Jungwon and Sunoo actually found some common interests with each other and had no problem connecting. They both shared the same amount of love for romance and thrillers-along with some horrors. They both also found out that they loved BL a lot.

"Hey, after we're done working on half of the project at my house today, do you wanna watch some shows I saved on my list? I've been wanting to see them with someone, but my friend is away for a while. So, do wanna see them with me?" His cat eyes beamed at Sunoo, blinking monotously, hands clasped and an eager facial expression painted on his face. Sunoo thought the boy was really cute. He looked like an actual real-life cat-even the way he acted contrasted quite well. "Okay, if you really want me to, then sure!" Sunoo smiled and looked back at the notes, analyzing them for a few seconds.

He felt a vibration inside his pocket, so he pulled out his phone and saw three notifications from Riki.


- Why are you flirting with that boy all of a sudden?

Excuse you! I am not! 🙄

Bitch I didn't even know how to talk to him

I just managed to do so 🤷

- Well, don't get too close to him
We're supposed to be besties 😤

Bitch wtf

Bye, im going over to his house today to work
On the project.

- WHT?!

We're also gonna watch a movie

So stay mad 😊

- Hyung this is very, very unfair
You better not do something

And what if I do do something?

Are you gonna be mad about it?

- Yes, I'll be mad.

You're supposed to be mine 😞

Sunoo was shocked for a while. He glanced at Riki, who stared at him with- eyes boring holes into his skin. He indeed looked very intimidating for some reason. He looked rather mad in contrast to the text message. His attention was disrupted by a sweet voice beside him. "So Sunoo-or hyung- I'll message you my house address- no, actually, I'll pick you up after the day is over." Jungwon smiled and stood up when the class finally ended. Sunoo nodded in response and trailed behind Riki.

"So... what the fuck?" Sunoo stared at Riki for a few good seconds, then proceeded to speak again. "Jungwon seems nice. We actually had a lot in common." Riki looked down at Sunoo while walking and hummed. "And, although I was really really-super fucking nervous, I still managed to talk to him without stuttering or shitting my pants. I don't even know how I managed to pull that off, but congrats to me, I guess.." Sunoo rambled- half-talking to himself, and also half conversing with the taller male walking beside him.

"What about you? The girl seemed careless to me." He looked up at Riki who was now looking ahead while walking through the crowded hallway. "She is. She's been on her phone ever since we were assigned together. She's nothing but an asshole to be honest. I thought she'd be nice or somethin' cuz she's famous among the boys, but she's the complete opposite. She just simply doesn't care." Riki rolled his eyes, and in an swift of a motion, Sunoo pulled Riki by the waist to avoid bumping into the teacher who was carrying a boxload of heavy books and material. "S-shit..sorry, you were gonna bump into her." Sunoo's face was red along with Riki's, because the position were in right now, would seem suspicious to any passerby. Riki's hands were placed on both Sunoo's shoulders, while Sunoo had his hands securing the taller's waist so gently. It fit perfectly in his hands. They looked like they were about to kiss-well, in the process of kissing. Sunoo immediately pulled his hand away, and moved away from the taller creating more space between them. Riki despised the space between them. He wanted to close in the gap right then and there and give his everything to the smaller boy.

They continued walking as of nothing had happened. When they reached their classroom, Sunoo bid goodbye, and was about to turn away and step inside, but he was pulled into a warm embrace all of a sudden. He was surprised at first since Riki wasn't the type to hug and cuddle much- especially in public, but he didn't seem to mind all of a sudden. Sunoo wasn't complaining though; he hugged him back and felt his heart beat quickening inside his chest. He felt star struck for a few seconds, stuck inside the feeling of Riki's fever.

Riki pulled away and stared down at Sunoo, a small smile painted on his pretty face. "Bye Sun. You better not do anything stupid at Jungwon's house. I'm gonna be really, really sad. Okay..?" Sunoo wanted to pull him into a kiss, but he simply nodded and stood on his tip toes to kiss Riki's cheeks and hurriedly ran inside the classroom.

Riki was left stunned. He ust stood there, touching his cheek. A blush crept on his cheeks, and he felt his heart beating fast. He liked it so much- he felt as if his dreams had come true. He always wanted a kiss from Sunoo, his wish came true.

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