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The faint glow of the sun masked through the white curtains, brightening up the once dark room. Sunoo whimpered, his head felt as if it had been bashed; he finally opened his eyes and glanced at the ceiling, recognizing the hanging lamp. He felt a heavy weight on his chest, and he looked beside him— face frowning in surprise.

There laid Riki, shirtless— slumbering peacefully. Sunoo's mouth went dry– well, it was already dry - but the sight in front of him sent his heart racing. 'What the fuck did we do last night?' He questioned, trying to recall the past events. Nothing. All he could process was the fact that he drank so much to the point, where he blacked out and Jay had to carry him. 'Or was it Riki?' He sighed in exasperation, peeking beside him once again. It wasn't unusual for the both to sometimes sleep together, but sleeping naked— and hugging each other. Yeah, no. Both males were too shy for that.

His thoughts were interrupted when he felt Riki's arm travel down to his abdomen and gently caress it.

Butterflies. He felt literal butterflies giving birth inside his stomach. This needed to stop before Sunoo does something stupid. He finally gained the courage to completely face the latter, face inches away from each other.

"Riki...riki-ah... wake up, your arm is heavy." He whispered. He felt Riki's breathing, which were slow and kind of hot. Sunoo smiled, and used his nose to poke Riki's nose, in which Riki muttered some incoherent words and fell back into his dreamland once again. 'He isn't gonna wake up so easily, huh?' Sunoo moved closer— if that was even possible and kissed his cheek, causing Riki to jolt up. "Shit! Hyung, you scared me..." Riki mumbled. Sunoo lightly chuckled and poked the taller.

"Uh...where is your shirt?" Sunoo nervously asked. He also noticed that he was shirtless, so his delusional head traveled to one and only conclusion: they slept together. "D-did I do something crazy last night?"

Riki suddenly had a burst of confidence even after waking up from a heavy slumber. He smirked sitting on top on Sunoo, pinning his arms each side of Sunoo's head. "What do you think we did?" He spoke in his deep voice, leaning down closer to Sunoo's face. Sunoo was quiet, he was speechless at the moment.

He was scared.

"W-w-what are you doing?! Get off! YAH!" He shouted when he Riki nuzzle his head between Sunoo's neck. He stayed in that position for a while, waiting for the older to continue, but he heard nothing, except Sunoo's heart, which was beating at an abnormal speed.

"Did we do something...why was I naked...?" Sunoo muttered, struggling to find the proper words. Riki chuckled, sitting back on top of Sunoo. "We didn't. Don't worry." He smiled mischeviously. "Unless you want me to." He whispered the last part into Sunoo's ear and moved away from the latter underneath him— giving him a chance to finally breathe.

"YAH! What the fuck is wrong with your horny ass these days? You need to get fucked. Seriously...you're acting wierd." Sunoo yelled as he stood up, watching Riki's silhouette disappear into the living room. He sighed, ruffling his hair, trying to recall everything, but he was uncertain, since his head wasn't properly functioning.


Riki smiled as he placed the breakfast on the table. He decided to make some pancakes, which were Sunoo's favorite. "You always make the best pancakes. I'm gonna miss eating them when you get a girlfriend. You'll probably make her all these foods and spend your time with her..." Sunoo unknowingly pouted. He showed his cute side only to his bestfriend— to everyone else, he was just a socially awkward, introverted boy who lacks plain social skills. There had been a few times where he was hit on by guys and girls, but when they learnt more about him— especially his overprotective bestfriend Riki, they knew something was off between them, so they backed off.

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