-Chapter 17-

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I pull my hair up into a tight bun, and look down at Amelia. I think back to the day I first saw her, less than a week ago, and it's hard to believe all the things that have happened in the last week. I pull a few loose strands of my hair behind my ear and smile. In less than an hour my plan will be under way. The thought sends shivers through me, pulling me into a strange sense of euphoria and worry. My blood turns cold. I sound just like the Government. I try to place that thought far away, but my mind won't let me.

Amelia whimpers, and I kneel down beside her. Tears well up in her eyes, and I feel a sense of relief run through me at the thought that runs across my mind. Soon she will have a real home. I will find someone who can help me take care of her. She'll be happy, and she'll grow up just like any child should. Even if I don't do this for me tonight, I need to do it for her. She deserves to live her own life, not a life her mother's choices placed on her.

I sigh, pulling her up into my arms.

"I'm going to be gone for a while," I whisper against her fuzzy head. "I'm going to have Tommy watch you again."

I feel a strange sense of obligation to this little girl. The minute I knew her mother was dead I felt a need to protect her. It is that obligation that helps me now, to know that I am doing something right for someone who deserves something. Amelia deserves a life, and I don't mean on the streets.

A knock on my door pulls my attention back to the present, and I reach for Amelia's box. I set her down inside of it carefully, careful to keep my hand behind her head. Her fists shake and she looks like she is close to crying. I walk out my door, and gasp when I see Charlie there.

"Sorry," He says rubbing the back of his neck. He looks down at his feet, avoiding my gaze. I try to push Kane's words out of my mind as I walk with Charlie down the hall.

"Tommy said he'd be happy to watch Amelia," Charlie says. "He seems to be attached to that little one."

I smile, looking down at her.

"I can't blame him. She's pretty easy to get attached to," I admit.

"She's not the only one," He murmurs, but I am almost certain I imagined it. My paranoia- thanks to Kane- is getting out of control. I wish he hadn't breathed a word to me about Charlie. It wasn't his right to do so anyway. I remind myself to keep myself in check. The plan is almost in motion; I can't ruin it now.

"I'm sorry," He says quietly. I realize he's apologizing for his last statement, and I swallow the lump in my throat.

"Don't be," I say, sounding calmer than I imagined possible. My heart feels like a hammer, solidly beating against my ribcage.

"We need to begin loading soon," Charlie says. "Kane wants us to be there at exactly six."

I nod, a sick feeling settling in my stomach. Charlie pats my shoulder then turns, walking toward Paul's workshop. I feel like I should go there too, but I don't. Instead, I walk back to my room, pick Amelia up- box and all- and head out to find Tommy. The main room is crowded with men, and it takes me a few minutes to locate Tommy, sitting in a corner. His shoulders are shaking, and for a minute I think I see him crying, but the he straightens and any trace of sadness I may have seen has vanished, replaced by a bright and cheery smile.

Year 6 (First Draft) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now