-Chapter 20-

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  I don't need to know anything about the Year Movement to know that something big is going on, and Kane is a part of it. My mother's gaze flickers to me again as if she hopes I can deny what Mr. Laneer has just said. I can't though. Whatever reason Kane has for hiding must be important, and it isn't my right to intervene.

"These are the Martins," I say to Kane, hoping he'll catch what I'm saying. "Parents of Felisha Martins, who was Abandoned. They also have a son named Paul."

"Nice to make your acquaintance," Kane says. "I'm Preston Laneer." His hand extends, and my father takes it, giving it a firm shake.

If Kane caught onto what I was saying-which I'm sure he did-he doesn't show it. Instead, he puts a hand loosely around my waist. I feel awkward standing so close to him with my parents watching, but I remind myself that to them, we are Lady Paula, and Preston Laneer. Two partygoers who they won't feel any need to remember.

I clear my throat, feeling a slight lump forming. I had always wondered what it would be like to see my parents again. I hadn't ever imagined it like this, though. Every time I created this scenario in my head, my parents greeted me with wet cheeks and open arms. But right here, right now, they don't even know who I really am. I try not to think about it, but it's becoming increasingly harder the longer we stand with them.

"You may cause the blood in my fingers to quite flowing, dear," I hear Mr. Laneer say, and I jump, not having realized I had grabbed his hand. I pull mine away, slightly mortified. I should be stronger than this. I shouldn't let my parents distract me from my reasons for coming here. A thought tugs at me, making me remember that I no longer have a reason for being here. After Kane and I talked, and he let me off the hook, I just gave up. Maybe I'm not supposed to turn Kane in. Maybe he really is more than just a wanted Beggar.

I sigh, walking towards a small love seat that is situated just to the right of where my parent's stand. I hear my mother utter a quick goodbye, and I find myself racing for the seat. I can't do it. I can't talk to them anymore. I sit, taking a sip of my champagne that I had nearly forgotten about. I hear the sound of strings playing a lively song, coming from the ballroom. I let my eyes drift closed, and for a minute, I just listen to the song being played, hoping to calm my nerves.

I feel a hand on my shoulder, and my eyes fly open, focusing on Mr. Laneer's sculpted face. He comes to join me, taking up the rest of the room on the love seat. He leans forward on his elbows, his head in his hands. He turns to me, and with a small sigh, reaches for my hand. I take it reluctantly, not sure what he means by the gesture.

"Did you have any idea your parents would be here?" He asks quietly, and I look around; looking for my parents. They must have left, though, because I don't see them anywhere.

"I didn't," I admit, swallowing the ever growing lump in my throat. I wish I had prepared myself for the idea. What harm could I have done if I had even allowed myself to consider them being here? The worst that could've happened was disappointment if they hadn't shown up. Instead, I'm left grasping for a calm I can't feel, having been set off by ghosts from my past; people I was sure I wouldn't see again for a long time.

"I'm sorry," Mr. Laneer says, but I can tell I'm talking to Kane. I can tell he has set the act aside, trying to help, trying to be sincere. I squeeze his hand, nodding a thank you.

"So what evil plans have you made?" I ask quietly, referring to the tricks we had planned to play on the Government Agents. "Anything I can be a part of?"

Kane grins, and he pulls a canister out of his pocket, and hands it to me. I take it, feeling the cool metal through my silk gloves.

"Follow me," He says, standing up, holding out his hand. I take it, and he begins jogging. I stumble at first, reminding myself that I am wearing heels. We take a left, and come into a dark corridor. I don't hear any sounds anymore as we run down the corridor. Soon, Kane stops, and he places my hands on a wall directly in front of us. I figure we came to the end of the long corridor, and turn towards Kane.

Year 6 (First Draft) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now