-Chapter 31-

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  "Sorry things didn't work out, you know, with the fights and all." Charlie says at lunch, handing me an apple, giving me his trademark grin. "And, I owe you this."

  I take a bite, savoring the taste. I am beginning to wonder if I'll ever not be shocked by the food I can get here that I couldn't on the streets. Not only the taste and quality shock me, but what really amazes me is how much of it there is. Ben always seems to have a big meal planned- everyday-without fail.

  "You look like you're enjoying that apple a little too much, and I'm starting to get kind of jealous of the apple," Charlie says jokingly. I send him a glare, and he laughs, running off to get some food for both of us. Or at least, I think he is going to get me some too. Maybe I should have verified that.

  "Mind if I take a seat?" Kane asks, appearing to my right. He's carrying a tray of food, having already been through the line. "I don't want to intrude."

  "Oh, sure," I say, making a space to my left for him to sit. "You planning on sharing some of that food?" I say, only half joking. He has plenty, and something tells me he's not hungry enough to even eat half of it.

  "Sure," He says, taking a seat. "I grabbed way more than I can possibly eat. Help yourself," He pushes the tray of food in my direction and I grab a roll, thanking him.

  "You aren't too disappointed about not fighting, right?" Kane asks, taking a bite of caesar salad, pushing aside the olives that are scattered throughout the lettuce. "I really did only have your best interest in mind."

  "I know," I say, because I really do. Kane is one of the most sensitive and compassionate people I know. And since I've been here, he's shown me far much more mercy than I deserve. "I was frustrated at first, but then I realized it really was for the best."

  "You've gained my trust, and I'm sure you'll find a way to gain the other's too," Kane says, sounding optimistic. I reach for a couple of french fries on his plate, and he gently slaps my fingers. "Those are off limits, my friend."

  I pretend to pout, then grin, reaching for one anyway, stuffing it in my mouth before he can do anything about it. He bites his lip, sending me a sideways glance, squinting his eyes. "You're gonna pay for that."

  "You two having trouble sharing?" Charlie asks, coming back, handing me a tray of food.

  "You thief," Kane says when he sees my tray of food, his eyes wide. "You owe me a roll." Then he adds, "And a frie."

  I pass him my roll without a word, then dig into my own salad, also pushing away the olives. Ben has surprised me many times with his meals, and this one is no exception. My parents loved eating healthy, and salads were quite common at our house. Paul was never a big fan, but I bet he's grown out of that stage. I haven't had a salad like this since I was six.

  "There's a lot we should all talk about," Kane says to Charlie and I. He swallows, setting his fork down. "I've had a lot on my mind, and I think it's about time I learn how to share some of my problems with people I trust." I smile, remembering the "peptalk" I had with him earlier this morning.

  "I'm not sure how big this story is," Kane says. "But it has caused a commotion. People have noticed, and they are gaining some courage again."

  "You think now is a good time to finally bring the Year Movement out from hiding?" Charlie asks, as if he is already guessing his friend's next words. I notice Kane shift.

  "It's a thought. What better time than now? We have to take these opportunities as they come." Kane hands me the rest of his fries off of his tray, and I smile, setting them on my tray.

Year 6 (First Draft) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now