-Chapter 21-

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  Charlie sends Kane a pathetic look, and I realize there's no way he'll be joining me in the search for Paul. He doesn't look like he feels well, and I don't feel like dragging him along in this state.

"I'll go find him by myself," I say, but Kane grabs my hand. I jump, not having been expecting it.

"You can't go by yourself. Charlie, all you need to do is walk with her, please brother?" Kane pleads, but Charlie answers by hurling more of his champagne into the toilet bowl, leaving me with no other option. Either I go alone, or I'd be forced to go with the nations most wanted- and allegedly dead- criminal.

"There's more guys out there, I'll just look for one of them. I won't talk to strangers," I say, only partially joking around. I flatten my skirt out, then head towards the bathroom door, sneaking back into the hall, mingling my way into the crowd of people that has gathered near it, all of them admiring a painting on the wall. It looks like a vase of sunflowers, but I don't take time to stare at it for very long. I hurry along, watching for any signs of someone I know. So far, no one looks familiar, and I begin to worry that I didn't pay enough attention when we were all introduced to each other's UCP form.

I bump past people, mumbling apologies as I rush around, hoping to find Paul. I ear someone whistle as I walk by, and shake my head, all the more determined to fine someone I know. I see so many faces, but no one looks at all familiar. Suddenly, I feel someone grab my arm, and I nearly scream from surprise.

"What on earth are you doing by yourself?" The man says. Before long, I realize it's Paul, and I breath a quick sigh of relief. Suddenly I feel panic, and what-ifs begin to race through my head. What if Paul can't fix Kane's UCP? What if we get caught because of it? I look up at Paul, fumbling to remember his UCP name. But I soon realize he didn't give us his name, and I reach for his wrist, searching for a name on his forged ID bracelet. Aaron Abott.

"Aaron, our dear friend Preston could really use some help," I begin to hope my eyes convey what I'm really trying to say. Kane is in deep trouble. But then I begin to wonder how much I can express when Paul can't really see me.

He pulls me over to a secluded corner, near where the string ensemble is playing, and the music nearly drowns out our voices.

"Is he okay? What kind of trouble?" He asks, his voice just loud enough that I can hear him. I point to the skin behind my ear, and his eyes light up with recognition. A look of worry crosses his face, and he leans low, putting his lips right up next to my ear, his lips tickling my ear as he asks questions. "Did it malfunction? Is it glitching?"

I shake my head, standing on tip toes to relay all the information to Paul. He rubs his hand across his forehead, deep in thought. Then, he asks me to lead him to wherever Kane is. I pull Paul along through the hordes of people, nearly losing him twice before coming to stand back in front of the bathroom.

Paul stops suddenly, and grips my shoulder. I turn to face him, and I can almost literally see the gears turning in his head.

"He got it wet didn't he?" He asks, his eyes wide. I nod, pulling him into the bathroom. Kane is still there, hanging his head low in case someone else decides to come into the large bathroom.

"I'm really sorry," He says to Paul, pointing to his UCP. Paul walks forward, examining the UCP. I look to see Charlie sitting on top of a toilet seat, his head resting in his open palms. He sends me a weary smile, then goes back to looking glumly at the floor.

"You really should have known better," Paul says, his voice rising a little, and I begin to panic. If Paul is getting upset, that's not a good sign. He pulls the UCP off of Kane's skin, studying it, poking at the small device. Kane comes to stand next to me, and for a moment it's weird to see Kane instead of Preston. He looks tired and almost scared.

Year 6 (First Draft) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now