-Chapter 18-

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  I feel the truck shudder and I press against the wall. I don't do well in these kinds of spaces. I notice though that with less men in the truck, there is actually room to sit down if I choose to. I cautiously lower myself onto the floor of the truck, taking a seat next to Kane. 

  "Is Lady Paula ready for her début?" He asks, smirking, running a hand over Mr. Laneer's stubble littering the lower half of his face. I try to decide if I am or not. Part of me is, but another part of me sees the danger in what I am doing. There isn't a written law that says that all those Guards are going to have to believe my story. They may think I'm an accomplice who was sick and tired of Kane Porter's ways. They will have no way of knowing. I am placing my future on a hope, and that is starting to worry me.

  Mr. Laneer turns toward me, sending me a long pointed look.

  "What's wrong, Felisha?" He asks, leaning back against the metal wall of the truck, his arms tucked behind his head. "Something's been bothering you."

  I look down at my hands, my knuckles pale from clutching my dress so tightly.

  "You seem pretty wound up," Charlie says, his voice deep and mature, nothing like his actual voice. "Are you really that worried about your plan?"

  I feel a lump in my throat, and I glance up at all the faces surrounding me, their eyes boring into me, waiting for an answer. But the truth is, I don't have an answer. At least, not one I can give to them.

  "I'm just nervous about fitting in. I haven't been to a Social Gathering in a long time," I say, hoping I sound more convincing than I feel. Sure, that's part of my problem; fitting in. But fitting in pales in comparison to turning these men in. That's the real task here.

  Kane's hand rests on my shoulder and I turn to face him. "Let Lady Paula take care of fitting in. Felisha's only job tonight is to mess with the Feds, have a good time, and make sure we all get out safely tonight," I feel like my stomach just dropped to my toes, and considering the fact that I'm sitting, that seems highly improbable. Why did he have to say that? As if my real job isn't hard enough already. "But leave most of the safety up to me and Charlie. We can handle that."

  I try to fit a smile on my face, but I honestly don't think it's working. I don't want to hurt anyone. I really don't. But is there another way? I haven't discovered any other way to get back to my family. I'm beginning to think that this really is my only option, not just because I want it to be, but because it truthfully is.

  We arrive at the place we all agreed would be best to dump our truck at within forty minutes, and I scramble out of the confined space, gulping in fresh air. I felt horribly claustrophobic, but not because of the space of the truck, but because of the guilt I feel. Is this plan even going to work? Is it worth it? I feel doubt setting in and take another deep breath. 

  "We have about a half of a mile walk before we'll get there," Paul says, and we all nod. I slip my high heels off, deciding walking in bare feet will be better than walking in high heels. Charlie walks up behind me, offering to carry the shoes, but I just shake my head, thanking him. Kane; Mr. Laneer sends me a grin, and I know what he is thinking. He's thinking about that day he told me Charlie likes me. I try to push the thought out of my mind. If anyone will be emotionally hurt tonight, it will be Charlie.

  I don't know if I can do this. Is it worth it? Should I just forget about it? Maybe... But I've come so far.

  I'm glad my internal struggle doesn't show through.

  We turn onto the next street to our left, and see houses, all belonging to tax paying citizens. I look at them, seeing some that reach up to four stories tall, while other more modest homes, reach up two stories high. I used to live in a three story house. It was the typical storybook home, with a little white picket fence, and a happy family living inside. We seemed like a perfect and respectable family. That was until I missed my first Achievement. Then, we were no longer half as happy. My parents were too busy working, and I was too busy trying to stuff as much knowledge into my young head as I could before it was too late and I was forced to leave.

  We turn yet another corner, and I feel a cold sweat break out over my brow. At the end of the lot I see my old house. Its picket fence is as white as I remember it, probably having been painted many times over the years. But that's not what causes my heart to accelerate. I see a light in a window on the third story, the window that is farthest from where I stand. The window that looked into my brother's room.

  Of course, it is crazy to think that they would still live there. Many families are moved after their children are Abandoned. The only reason they wouldn't be was if they had done something significant for the Government and had earned the right to stay. Maybe, just maybe my father had worked something out. Maybe that light is the glow of a candle at my brother's desk. Or maybe it is a light bulb screwed into the top of the ceiling, serving as a light source for some other person entirely.

  I try to keep my gaze down as we pass the lot and turn onto the opposite street. That's when I see it. The Government Leader's home. It's a mansion with perfectly hedged bushes, and beautiful marble pillars that look like they are straight out of a fairy tale.

 "Who's ready to go mess with some Feds?" I hear someone in our group say, although I can't identify who it was. I hear some chuckles from around me, and I shudder. This was your idea, don't forget that.

  "I don't know if that's Lady Paula's normal look or not, but you look green," One of the men to my right says, his voice low.

  I swallow, hoping that my jitters aren't that noticeable. We start to fall into step with other party guests who are walking to the Social Gathering from their homes. Some comment on each other's wardrobe, while others just laugh loudly as if they want the world to ask what they are talking about. I just roll my eyes. Some things about this life I don't miss. People like this top that list. 

  An older gentlemen walks over to ask Charlie about the weather, and I can't help but laugh. Charlie makes small talk out of the conversation, and walks closer to me as we reach our destination. I feel small standing next to the rotund pillars on the front porch of the Government Leader's mansion. Two Government Agents come forward, carrying ID Scanners in their gloved hands. The older gentleman that was talking to Charlie raises his ID bracelet near the sensor of the Scanner, and it beeps loudly, flashing a green light over the man's wrist. 

  "Welcome Mr. Graybelle. The Leader will be very happy to see you," The larger of the two Agents says in a monotone voice.

  Charlie is the first of our group to walk up to the Agents, and he sticks his wrinkled wrist towards the scanner in the larger Agent's hand. I feel our whole group take in a collective breath. BEEP! 

  I look up, half expecting to see a flash of red lighting up Charlie's wrist. 

  "You're clear. Welcome, Sir Whigham." 

  I let out the breath I had been holding, and walk forward, thrusting my wrist at the larger Agent.

  BEEP! A flash of green light. I made it.

  "Welcome Lady Paula. It's a pleasure to see you again," The larger Agent says, preparing to check Kane's ID. I nod, stepping through the wide, ornate door. My breath catches when I take in my surrounding. My house had been very nice, very modern, and the envy of many of our neighbors. But the Leader's mansion makes my old home look like nothing.

  I peer at the hundreds of statues, paintings, and gold rimmed mirrors hanging on the large walls. This place screams rich. I look at the beautiful staircase that swirls up to another level I can't see from where I'm standing. Party guests mill around, looking at all the art on the walls, pointing out their favorite pieces to their friends.

  "We made it," Sir Whigham's voice says near my left ear, and I nod.

  We really did it.

  But, the only questions now is how I'm going to treat the situation. Am I going to take advantage of it like I had planned, or am I going to chicken out?

  I sigh, running my hand over my forehead.

  As of this moment, it appears that I am chickening out.

A/N- Wow, I know it's been a whole month since I've updated, sorry. I know this wasn't the most amazingly interesting chapter, but it was a needed one. The next chapter is full of surprises. I surprised myself a lot while writing it. I hope you are still enjoying Year 6. Thank you for supporting this book, it means a lot to me. Keep up the kind comments, and the votes if you would like. Thanks again! :D -Sarah

Year 6 (First Draft) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now