-Chapter 40-

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   "You didn't have to stay here all night," I say, pouring Kane a cup of coffee from the coffee maker in my kitchen. He smiles, setting Amelia down in her crib, which I had moved out into the living room last night.

   "I didn't mind," He says, taking a sip of the coffee. He seems to relax, his shoulders sagging. "I've loved spending time with her, even if it's through all hours of the night."

   "Again," I say, wrapping my hands around my mug, taking a sip of the coffee. "I'm really sorry."

   Kane stands, coming to stand behind me, reaching for the refrigerator door. He opens the door, but closes it, surprised to see that my refrigerator is pretty much empty. He wraps his arms around my waist, resting his head on my shoulder. I smile, taking another sip of coffee.

   "You are tired," I say, setting my coffee back down on the counter.

   "It was a long night," Kane says, finally being truthful. He kisses my cheek, then goes back to his seat, glancing down at Amelia. She's regained her calm composure, being back to her smiling self. I look at Kane, watching his expression while he watches Amelia. I've never seen him look so at ease, and I feel suddenly relaxed watching the pair.

   "You two have a great bond," I say, taking a seat on the couch next to Kane. Kane smiles, reaching down to pick up Amelia out of her crib. She smiles, making happy gurgling noises. Kane looks over at me, smiles, then passes Amelia to me.

   "You two need some girl bonding time," He says laughing. "You've been going nonstop since you've come to live with us, this poor girl has barely gotten to know you."

   "You and her seemed to hit it off right away," I say quietly, looking down at her small smile. "Maybe I just don't have the special touch."

   Kane laughs, setting his coffee down on the small glass table in front of him. He seems more relaxed, despite his loss of sleep last night. He grins, running a finger down Amelia's cheek.

   "She still amazes me," He says, his smile softening. His eyes shift, and the way he looks at Amelia, is the way I remember my brother looking at me. With love, and hope. "She's so small, yet one day, she's going to grow up, and she's going to live in this society. I want to make things better. I don't want this sweet little girl growing up like we did." Kane pauses, sitting back, taking a breath. "And I can promise you, I will spend my whole life trying to fix what the Government has undone."

   "He's in his office," Charlie says, passing me in the hall. His smile wavers, and I feel bad for not having spent much time with him lately. My mind has been on other things, and I'm sure he has been the same way.

   "Thank you," I say, adjusting the Year Movement book in my arms. After reading the first quarter of the book, I have decided that Kane needs to finally just explain to me what is going on. I've been left in the dark about a lot of things according to this book.

   I walk to Kane's office, surprised to see another woman sitting in the office with Kane. She looks older, her hair graying at the temples. She's wearing a pantsuit that appears to have gone out of style even before I was born, but I keep my face clear of any reaction as I walk into the room.

   "There she is now," Kane says, sending me an apologetic look. Feeling slightly confused, I step further into the room. Kane stands, coming to stand next to me. He wraps his arm loosely around my waist, smiling at the woman sitting in the chair.

   "Felisha," He says steadily, "This is my mother."

   I feel my heart drop. After what Kane said at the Social Gathering about his family, I never would have thought he was still in contact with his mother. The woman smiles, wrinkles forming at the corners of her thin mouth. I can see the resemblance, but not enough that I would have made the connection on my own.

Year 6 (First Draft) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now