-Chapter 26-

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I struggle against my attacker, barely being able to breathe under his weight. He pushes hard on my shoulders, pinning me to the ground. Suddenly my left shoulder gives way, and an intense hot pain runs down the length of my shoulder. I gasp, clenching my teeth.

"You thought you'd get away with it! You foolish, arrogant girl. What made you think you could best us?" I feel the man's breath, warm against my cheek, and I attempt to push him away. My mind races, wondering how long I can hold this man off. The man reaches for something, and I hear a clang of metal. I watch as my attacker brings something into the light, and a shiver runs down my spine.

He has a long pointed dagger in his left hand, his knuckles turning white due to his acute grip on the handle. He rests it just under my chin, and I wince when the blade knicks my neck. I try to pull back, but the man just presses against the blade harder. I yelp, closing my eyes, watching as the edges of my vision go dark.

"You seemed all nice and innocent when you first came, but I knew better. I knew you had something up your sleeve." I listen intently to the words the person is speaking, and that's when I realize something. I do know this voice. It is the voice of the man I heard in the office this morning. There's something else about this voice. It sounds familiar, contrary to my previous conceptions.

"Felix," I get out, my voice hoarse.

"Took you long enough," Felix says, adjusting his grip on the handle.

"Kane... He'll come," I gasp, and Felix knocks his fist against the side of my head, then, quickly recovering, throws a punch at my nose. I feel a small trickle of blood running down my lip, and I sputter, trying desperately to get Felix off of me. It's an impossible fate; he won't budge. I'm not strong enough.

"Unlike you," Felix hisses. "I think my plans through. I got Kane and Charlie out of the place, sent them on a wild goose chase. They think they are in town to pick up a new recruit that the Year Movement sent us, but the truth is there's nobody there. It's a ploy."

"Help!" I scream. I push against Felix again, and yet again, he doesn't budge. He moves his blade, and settles it against my lips.

"Shh," He says mockingly. "Nobody can hear you sweetheart, I'm the only one in this part of the building. And, without Kane and Charlie here, I was able to tell your story to the remaining men. When I mentioned my plan, no one turned down the idea. So here we are. You, me, and this nice dagger of mine."

Felix shoves my shoulder, and I scream, tears pooling in the corners of my eyes.

"I'm sorry," I say, hating how vulnerable and weak I sound. He doesn't really merit an apology, but I have no options at this point. "I made a simple mistake. I'm... I'm sorry. Please. Felix, please, stop."

I hear a resonant popping sound, and all of a sudden, I feel all of Felix's weight shift. He gasps, reaching for his shoulder, then he collapses, falling to the right of me. I gasp, suddenly able to breathe again. I look up, and see a shadowy figure in the doorway. Another loud pop, and I see Felix go still beside me. I take deep breathes, coming to terms with what just happened. Felix was shot.

"Are you alright?" The shadow says, collapsing to his knees, pulling me into his arms. Kane. I almost crumble into a mess of tears, relief washing over me like a tidal wave. I had almost lost all hope of anyone coming to my rescue.

I nod, but even that small effort hurts, and I remember how Felix held his blade against my neck.

"I'm so sorry," Kane says, his lips pressed against my forehead. "I am so sorry."

Year 6 (First Draft) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now