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Amelia's pov:

i woke up and it was around 8AM, I was in shock i woke up and found my head laying there on Pablo's chest and we were so close, i can't even explain how close we were

i gasped and got up so fast.

"what's wrong Amelia"


"what's wrong you woke up super shocked"

"is it a nightmare"

"no no"

"then what's wrong"

"it's just they way we were both sleeping"

"you were tired the night before and slept during the movie and you were shivering from the cold so i got a blanket and nothing happened after"



"i don't think it's okay that I stayed this night at your house"


"what if Xavi knew"

"Amelia, he won't, he isn't home yet"

"how did you know"

"he sent us a text that he is out now and we should gather quickly after 2 hours because we have to go to the airport"

"where are you guys going"





"today we are playing against dortmund AMELIA"


"well now you know"


"yes ofc i'll tell Xavi"


"ur welcome mi amor"

i was super thrilled about going dortmund, the second Pablo said dortmund, all i could think of is jude, i missed him so much we haven't talked in a lot, and i'm so happy i get to finally see him


"yes Pablo"

"Pedri will come by to pick me up so i guess you will come with us, since Xavi said you can come"


"can i ask you a question"

"anything you want"

"why are you so excited to going to dortmund"



"im sorry"

"because i get to see jude, it's been a long time since i saw him"

"you know jude?"

"yes i know him, we used to be neighbors back in England, but we lost contact after he moved to dortmund"


the moment i said "yes i know him" i got a death stare from Pablo, and his look wasn't the look i usually get from him when we talk, and he just walked away to his room.

I didn't know why he got so mad that i know jude, this isn't something he supposed to be mad at, or even be mad at me. i though maybe he disliked jude, but WHO TF CAN HATE THIS MAN, and even if why the heck is he mad

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