"anything for you"

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Pablo's pov:

nearly half the time has time passed and Amelia slept through the first hour after taking off, she was leaning on the handle of the chair, i knew she wasn't comfortable so i obviously had to do it my own my, and put her head on my shoulder, and i can feel like she felt more comfortable after that.

she talked in the middle of her sleep, but i couldn't quite hear what she said, and her hands started shaking, i didn't know what to do other than just mumble some words, and i kept soothing her hair and then she stopped shaking.

Amelia's pov:

i slept through the first hour, i couldn't handle flights its a long one tho, in the middle of my sleep i dreamt about Jude again, and then i swear to god i felt someone touching my head and after that i felt more comfortable, and i heard someone mumbling something, didn't quite hear it also, but its obviously Pablo.

I don't know why i keep dreaming bad dreams about Jude, i cant quite remember the dream but there was another girl flirting with him and he was playing cool with it, i hope none of my dreams become true because i would cry if they are.

and then i felt someone patting my arm, then i woke up

Pablo's pov:


i patted her arm so she can wake up, then i saw her beautiful green eyes waking up, she looked so tired and she had scars on her face from the deep sleep she had, that was definitely a good sleep.


"you look so tired"

"yeah i definitely need coffee"

"we can go get some coffee after we arrive at the hotel, and put our bags down, only if you are down"

"who says no to coffee Pablo, ofc im down"

"why did you wake me up"

"look beside you"


"we sure did"

"you even scream the minute you wake up"

"can you stop please"




"i want to ask you a weird question Amelia"

"sure Pablo"

"you were sleep talking basically but i couldn't quit hear what you said, was it another nightmare?"

"yes it was how did you know"

"because you did the same things you did when you slept on the bench before the match"

"you remember do you"

"how could I forgot, you literally panicked"

"nightmares is something I get daily, im used to it"

"why do you get so mich nightmares"

"because i overthink too much, and also i have had a lot of traumatic things that happened in my life before moving here, one of them is my ex"

"you've been in a relationship before?"

"yes, another thing too, he is the one i dreamt about when i was sleeping on the bench before the match"

"the words you mumbled were about him"

"no he was the one saying those words to me, i don't know why im the one who mumbled them tho, thats funny"

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