she doesn't deserve this

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pedri's pov:

this can't happen right now

why the fuck am i included in this

"heard what exactly Amelia"

"ask yourself, you know very well what i'm talking about"

"Amelia calm down she is just a friend"

"ohhh just a friend, glad to know you are covering up for your best friends actions that shouldn't be covered up"

"im not covering up Amelia, she is just a friend"

"oh yeah i believe you"

"you don't seem too"

"you think i should trust you?"


"and where has that ever gotten me pedri"

"what do you mean"

"you both lied to me once before, so i have every right to not believe you right now"

"Amelia she lost a family member and he was there for her that's it"

"and why didn't he tell me this himself???, why did he lie to me and told me he is going to his family"

"he didn't want to get you involved in these stuff, plus maybe he found out after he got to his family's house"

"and i never complained about being involved in these stuff, and he would tell me"

"Amelia trust me, he is doing nothing"

"leave the room pedri"

"Amelia listen to me"

"i said leave"

i did leave

her look was about to kill me

what the fuck did i just say

i lied to her

for the millionth time

i couldn't even count how many times i lied to her just for Pablo

i have to tell him

i did call him

Pablo's pov:

i was sitting with Eliana and i really want to leave

she kept holding my hand while we were sitting on the beach

it was so uncomfortable

is this called cheating?? or i'm just being forced

i can't believe this girl has control all over me



"why did you leave me?"

"because i didn't even like you"

i was being 100% honest with her

i'm not lying i didn't like her

and i don't care if she's hurt, because if she really wants to destroy Amelia's life to get with me then i shouldn't really care about her or about her feelings


"why did you get in a relationship with me if you didn't even like me Pablo?"

"it was forced Eliana and you know that"

"yes but i really did like you"

"Eliana all i felt for you was friendship feelings, and it was never romantic"

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