I hate him

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Amelia's pov:

after finally talking to the doctors and everything was fine Pablo and I left

i hate hospitals and since i got to Barcelona i have been to the hospital multiple times it's actually scary

can't wait to be back home with Pablo finally

but why did Pedri leave?

did something happen?

i decided to text him and ask him, pablo and I were already in the car and he was a little bit sleepy



yes amss

im out of the hospital finally

you are okay?

yes yes im fine

is Pablo with you?


great waiting for you

wait i have a question


why did you leave?

nothing it's just i wanted to leave you with Pablo

you know i wouldn't mind you being there so stop lying and tell me the truth

you don't have to get yourself involved in these stuff

pedri tell me


did Pablo do something to you?

just a little fight ams it's fine

what did he do pedri

i won't say

i swear to god pedri if you didn't tell me i'll go back and live with Xavi and you won't see me again

why all that?

because i hate the fact that i tell you guys everything and you keep listening to my problems and shit and when something happens to both of you, you don't talk, i still didn't know till now why Pablo is acting like this and now you, it's so annoying because i feel like i'm not helping with that when i'm your best friend 

Amelia trust me i'm not mad or sad that you don't listen to my problems or anything

i know you won't get mad but I do, so can you please tell me what is going on

we were fighting because of you

what why?

it's a long story Amelia

pedri sayyyyy

it's about Pablo actually

is he okay?

i'm scared to tell you because i don't want to see this reaction on your face

what did Pablo do pedri say i'm not kidding

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