A bet

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Amelia's pov:

i was in my room calling Mason, because who else will I call when i have a problem other than Mason



"i miss you so much"

"i miss you more mass"

"what did he do"

"how did you know that i'm calling you because of Pablo"

"you have a specific tone, when you talk with it I immediately know it's about him"

"you know me well mas"

"i sure do, now tell me what happened"

i explained everything to Mason, and he offered me something but i don't know if im sure about it, i mean it makes sense but still it was a hard decision

"how about coming to London for a few weeks?"


"so you can clear your mind from all that's happening, Amelia you have been through a lot since you went there, just to clear your head and stay with me for a while i miss you"

"i'll think about it mas it's a hard choice"

"think about it, but just know that im waiting for you anytime you come"

"i don't know what to say mas i love you so much"

"i love you more ams"

i closed with Mason, and kept thinking about what he said

i mean he has a point if i left i will clear my mind, and just go back to my home country which i miss so much, and i can take mom and dad with me and spend some time like the old days, and also to see Mason and everyone there i miss everyone there

and also i want to stay in Barcelona it's not easy to leave everyone here especially Pablo, even if we are in an argument this doesn't mean i want to leave, i got used to it here, and got used to the people here, ale, pedri, Xavi, and everyone, i already got used to it

(time skip, 2 days later)

there is a match today against real madrid

and Pablo still didn't text or do anything and i also didn't want to text him

not to sound rude or anything but i'm not messaging him because of my ego or anything, i'm just disappointed, i didn't think a problem like that would cause us not to talk

it reminded me of the time that Jude didn't text me for 2 weeks

i really need to start forgetting stuff with Jude it's getting pretty unhealthy

Xavi ordered me to go give Pedri his phone that he left at training this morning

who forgets there phone?

i went straight to my car, i was so happy with it, Xavi bought it for me as my birthday gift which i'm very thankful for

i treat her like my little baby always taking care of her

i finally arrived at pedri's house and i knocked on the door

and it was non other than him who opened the door


"Buenos días Amelia"

when he opened the door he looked at me with a weird look, i don't even know if he is mad, sad, happy, angry, about to cry, i really can't picture his emotions it's like they are mixed

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