"I miss Pablo"

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Amelia's pov:

after we got back to Mason's house I was on my way to go to my room to have some sleep because I was so tired until Mason came and grabbed me

"let's go"

he grabbed me and carried me to his room

then after we got in, I sat down on his bed and got comfortable, and then he came and sat next to me holding my hands tightly

"why are you holding my hands tightly Mason"

"i'm worried about you"


"Amelia don't be stupid i saw everything that was posted on instagram"

"oh you saw them"

"are you okay"

"you want an honest answer?"


"no i'm not okay"

then a verge of tears ran into my face and i couldn't handle it

then Mason pulled me into a hug, and kept tapping on my back

"everything is going to be okay, i promise you"

"no it's not Mason, everything is not okay"

"Amelia listen to me, you didn't do anything wrong"

"yes i did, i didn't talk to him when i was suppose too and now his life is ruined because of me"

"why are you so sure you are the reason"

"because Xavi definitely kicked him out because of me"

"you did nothing wrong Amelia, you didn't talk to him because you felt betrayed and you have every right to do so, so stop saying that you are the problem because you did nothing"

i kept quiet in Mason's arms and i stopped crying

and he kept wrapping his arms around me, and soothing my hair because me he knows how much i love when people sooth my hair, i feel comfort when someone does it especially Pablo and Mason

"Ams you know how much I love you, and if you lost him then you still have me, just keep that in mind"

"i know i know, and i'm so thankful, but i just miss him, I miss pablo"

"it's totally fine to miss him Ams, but you have to move on"

"and i have a surprise for you, a huge one"

"what is it"

"didn't i say it's a surprise?"

"you know i hate surprises"

"it's worth the wait Ams, just wait"

"ughhh fine"

(1 week later)

Amelia's pov:

today was the day Liverpool and Barcelona will play against each other

the season was already over and everyone was on vacation, but this match is only a friendly one before the vacation

I wasn't at my best mood this past week

nothing from Pablo or anything, and i just miss him so much, that it makes me forgive him for what he did because I know how forced he was

and i also didn't call Xavi since it was only him and Mason talking just to check on me but i don't really care

he is the reason for everything that happened so it's not really that easy to forgive him

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